How is Keith??

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Roz 13 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #90743


    Hi All

    I've just been looking through the latest posts. The last one I saw on Keith was when he was going through a bad patch with the Velcade in April. How is he, does anyone know? I hope he's still fighting the fight. I also hope I'm not hurting anyone by asking after him and he's no longer here!

    Any way where ever and what ever your doing Keith, All the best




    Hi Roz I've just read your post about me and I'm really touched by it.
    You are such a lovely person to ask after me in that way.
    In future I will keep in touch as I don't want you fretting LOL.
    THB I did'nt have alot to report and I was'nt feeling too good so did not log on for a while.
    Thank's again Roz and don't forget to take care of yourself.

    Bye for now…Keith.



    Your welcome

    Look after yourself
    Have a good break

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