How long for normality after SCT

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  tom 13 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hello all my name is Paul-Ozzy to my friends and I was diagnosed with MM in Jan 2010.I started CTD in May had a hicup in June with PCP Pneumonia 2 weeks on a ventalor and thank god I am still here to tell the tale!Completed the 6 courses and harvested stem cells in Nov and had my 1st SCT on Jan 14th this year. What I would like to know is how long after SCT was it for you all when some sort of normality starts and a return to work? I've been off work since my blip in June and feel ok but very fed up. My paraprotein level remains at 4 I don't think its going any lower.I am still banned from public places and still have the food restrictions until I meet with the Consultant at the hospital where I had my STC next month.
    I have read your comments and think its wonderful how you all support each other and no doubt I will be grateful too for all your support as the rocky road continues.



    Hi Ozzy welcome to the best support group there is .You have certainly had a very eventful year!Its hrad to say how long before you feel normal again as we are all different In my case it took almost 6 months but I think that was because I had major surgery a few months before my sct What I would advise is not to overdo it , your body will let you know when you can tackle moreAre you able to go back to work part-time at first? It might be a good idea to see if you can stage your return Good luck Bridget



    Hi Ozzy

    1 month before you see your consultant must seem ages away but may seem nearer if you have some targets. Can you phone your consultant and ask when you can start back at work and introducing some "naughty" foods into your diet? I remember my (mm) husband getting quite excited when I first allowed hin to come to Tescos with me after his SCT 🙂 We went very late at night (our Tescos is 24/7) and I shoved him down different ailes if I saw any other shoppers.

    Stephen is getting prepared to have a second SCT and is making sure he eats lots of "naughties" now, hoping he can store them up:-S

    Do keep in touch Good luck Gill



    Hi Ozzy and welcome(?) to the site.

    As has been said before this is a very, very individual disease. But if it helps I had my SCT in early December. I left hospital on the 15th December, after a full three weeks of treatment. My taste buds returned on 25th December and I was able to enjoy my Christmas dinner and a pint of Guinness. I was cleared to mix with the human race, and binge out, in early February. I hope this helps.

    Kindest regards




    Hiya thanks for replying.
    I know when I get the ok I can return to work on a phased return I never thought I would be looking forward to work!I can't wait for a holiday either I feel that I've been serving a prison sentance stuck in the house.
    Regards Ozzy



    Thanks for replying so hopefully in a few weeks time perhaps I'll be released for good behaviour and allowed back to the pub!



    Hiya Gill
    Hope to hear good news next time. Good luck to Stephen for his second SCT.



    Hi Ozzy

    I was told I had MM in Jan 2009 had 5 sets of CTD, went on sick at the start of 3rd cycle, (manual job) had SCT 3rd December 2009 out by the 16th December, still not feeling too good for the Xmas, but felt 100% better 2nd week in Feb :-D, I still went out for walks and the pub when feeling Ok,went back to work may 2010 had about a year off, still on light duties:-S but at least its nearly normal and bringing in the money.

    Btw I am 55 years young 😎 so have about 10 years of work to do ha ha before I retire.

    Thats a rough guide to Tom's bit but as you will hear we are all different so a warm welcome and Good Luck in your treatment, may your bad days be few.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"

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