I'm still standing! Celebrate the little things

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  paulapurple 7 years, 7 months ago.

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    My blog this week is about appreciating and celebrating the little things in life. My treatment wasn’t working and it is easy to get depressed about it until a friend reminded me that I was still standing!

    Here’s the link if you want to read more






    I have just your read your blog paulapurple and I am in awe of you for keeping such a great sense of humour after all you have been through and are still going through. It’s good that you have family around you for support.

    Your blog has made feel a right scaredy cat as I was getting so worried about a 2nd SCT, when I should be celebrating the fact that I have enough stem cells for a second and not keep over analysing and getting worked up about the side effects (the last one was pretty awful!)

    However, having read your blog I feel in a much better place now and can only hope that things start improving for you for you. I love your hair by the way, as I was thinking of going pink myself when my hair grows back after my next SCT. Keep going with the blog I shall check in every week or so.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by  Avril.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by  Avril.


    Thank you for your lovely comments Avril, I really appreciate that. I have always been a glass half full type of person! I have had a really good response to my blog and I enjoy writing it; it’s the academic in me that misses the writing.

    I will be having a stem cell transplant hopefully in the New Year and when my hair grows back I hope it will be white (a lot of it is already) then, when it’s long enough I can dye it all sorts of pastel shades!

    Hope you SCT goes OK; it may well be better this time remember!

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