Info day very helpful (October 2015)

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    I went along with my wife – carer to the Myeloma Infoday at Botley last weekend ( October 2nd 2015) and we both found it VERY worthwhile – as, seemingly, did everybody we spoke to.

    My history is that, at age 78 I was found to have well-established Myeloma 2 years ago and have, since then, been involved in two separate 6 month chemo trials here in Southampton.

    Many of the people attending the Infoday had travelled a long way to be there – as did we, as it turned out, because we attended a wedding the day before and came back 150 miles early in the morning for the Infoday!

    Despite having read lots of the available literature, we learned a lot that was new – much of it personally relevant for us.

    In particular I learned a lot about possible future treatments and prospects and was amazed to learn how wildly different the patient experiences can be.

    I would strongly recommend getting to such an event if you have the chance.



    Hello Gordon

    I can only support whole heartedly your comments about the value of Patient and Carer info days.

    I have been to three now at Manchester, Cardiff and Edinburgh and have been surprised at how much I have learnt at each one.

    I was diagnosed in 2013 and it was more than 6 months before I spoke to anyone who had Myeloma and this was at one of the patient days. For obvious reasons, it is very difficult to speak to other patients in the hospital clinic, so isolation during treatment is one of the hurdles to overcome.

    Hope this helps.

    David S




    I’m glad to hear, because I’m booked on the Manchester info day in November. I have booked before but never attended for the fear of finding out too much info that could possibly scare me for the future. However, I thought it best to attend and find out for for myself.

    Looking forward to it now.

    Kind Regards


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