Is it common to get infection early in treatment

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    Hi. Recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Started treatment 2 weeks ago. I’ve been nowhere other than hospital since treatment (I wear a mask and do my hands anll the time) and have still picked up an infection.

    I’m currently day 2 in hospital. My anxiety levels are through the roof. Is it normal to pick up an infection so soon? My white blood cell count is .4 the doc say it has to be 1

    I really need to speak to someone who can advise me on firstly is this all normal and secondly how to deal with my anxiety. I’ve tried McMillan and other cancer groups to try and speak to someone. They’re all closed.

    I’ve told the staff at the hospital. They’re not interested. Anyone help.



    Hello Deeceebee

    It’s not uncommon for us to get effects of myeloma such as infections, kidney problems, fractures or bone pain early on after diagnosis. Once your treatment has started working and has reduced the level of myeloma, your health will improve. There are various things drs can do in the meantime, esp identify an antibiotic to support you. In the longer term if you are prone to infections, there is a blood product called IVIG that is given to some patients. It’s expensive so is only prescribed for those of us with recurrent infections- but it really works!
    I hope you’re out of hospital on the mend soon, and good luck with your treatment.
    Best wishes



    Hi Deeceebee. I began treatment on the Tuesday and was admitted to hospital the following Sunday with hi temp. Spent the day on an antibiotic drip. Same again the following Saturday when again hi temp and pains in legs. Solution the same with most of the day on a drip. Things have settled down since. Currently on chemo cycle four and no reoccurrence of hi temps or infection. Possibly just my body getting used to the drugs. Fingers crossed you will be the same and things will improve.

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