Is it me?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Perkymite 14 years, 4 months ago.

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    Earlier on Lee talked about the old website always getting smaller as the threads continued until it is almost disappearing off the page. Under my thread in Access to Treatment it seems to be doing exactly the same. Argh! Any reason for this Andy and Stuart?!



    hi Gaye,

    You can stop that from happening by selecting 'Flat' instead of 'Threaded', another advantage to this board set-up

    I eep it in 'Flat' mode all the time, you can usually tell from the content whether someone is replying to the original poster, or replying to some other comment.



    Hi Gaye,

    No it's not you! It's us meddling again. We decided to default to the 'threaded' style as this allows you to reply to individuals or to the whole group. The reply button right at the bottom in the orange strip replies to the whole group. The reply underneath the individual message replies in the indented format.

    As 'donalb' says you can choose which way you want it to work, this is just the default.

    Hope this help.



    Thanks to both Donalb and Stuart for the advice. I did not understand the use off threaded and flat but do now. I shall know what to do in future.




    Actually, on the old site, I found it handy to reply in a different colour if I am replying to a person in the middle of the thread. People tend to look to the bottom of a thread for the latest post.



    You right. In fact the old site was bad for that. Sometimes someone would reply to some comment in the middle of a thread. This would send that thread to the top of the board.

    But youd have to go through the whole thread checing dates to see what the new comment was.

    Things are much clearer on this board. how to get them over here though?



    Change is hard the older you get the harder it becomes. They will come in the end I hope. This is the Beta (testing site) but it will become the main site and replace the old one. It is far better.
    kindest regards

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