Is this of interest to anyone

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  tom 14 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi please read all of this post
    I was diagnosed in sept 2008 and have under gone chemo using CDT from jan 2009 along with stem cell replacment in nov 2009 (the reason for the delay was the onset of COPD may 2009 most proberly brought on by the myeloma and the drugs)I came out of remission In april 2010 and have since been on VELCADE I am just starting my last cycle the last bence jones test showed that the myeloma is almost undetectable tanfastic which if and when I am well enough I hope to have a holiday and get a bit of a suntan:-D

    [i]so here's my question[/i]

    Have you worked in any of these industries
    HGV driver
    BUS?COACH driver
    Van Driver
    Building Industrie

    My reason for asking is following a conversation with a staff nurse during treatment it seems she has never treated a builder in all her time on heamatolgy but has trated many of the other trades mentioned above

    I am sure this would be of interest to all of you suffering this god dam illness Like you all I am making the best of my remaing time, but if there are links to these ocupations then surly our children should no please reply you never know we might just have a claim to make our lives a bit more bearable




    I will ask Denise, who has been working in ward 9 (heamatology), my present location for 22 years. Unfortunately she will not be back until next week.

    kindest regards




    Hi Tom, I've read that exposure to petro-chemicals,radio waves,mobile phone masts ect could all be factors in developing MM but it's all just speculation
    and even if true the Government and or companies involved would never admit it to be the case.
    Just imagine the compensation claims that would come from it.
    Yes research should carry on to find a reason for this horrible disease but I myself would be more in favour in putting all resources into treatments to prolong life and further down the line fine a cure.
    Cancer has been with us since the dawn of time.
    Myeloma was first given a name in the mid 19th century and will have been around long before that,certainly well before the industrial revolution.



    To one Tom from Another 😎

    Well its gonna be a cold day inthe warm place (cant say that word) before any one will admite it might have given us some of the MM!!

    Me I am with Keith on this one:-) it will be hard and costly to try and pin it on anyone and I would want to spend my energy and funds finding a cure for this darned illness:-S

    But hey if some one wants to say hey up tom I gave you MM then am up for the fight 😎

    One tom to another tom 🙂

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