Is this usual

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Dizzyliz 12 years, 8 months ago.

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    Hi my name is Karen I'm 46 and married with 2 grown up children
    I have been diagnosed with myeloma
    I have pains in my lower back,hips and shoulders I'm always very tired so I went to my gp and she started blood tests,the results came back as very anaemic and a positive reading for myeloma,my gp said that I need to go and seethe haematologist .2weeks passed and I hadn't heard anything,so I phoned the hospital to ask if they had my referral,I was told that I would be seen in o months time,I thought that was along time to wait soi phoned the myeloma help line,I explained to her my symptoms and she said I should be seen straight away,I'm a bit confused at this point as I don't no if the months wait is the usual time to wait.



    Hi Karen

    Welcome to the group and i am sorry you had to join.

    I hope you are soon seen I know its a worry we can do without.
    I was fortunate enough to be seen pretty fast and started my treatmen within two months, and i hope this helps "I am now in remission and drug free" 😀

    Good Luck in your road to remission

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Many thanks to you,and good luck for the future,I'll keep you up dated :))



    hi Karen
    If your GP did an urgent referral you should have been seen with in 10 days.
    Get on to your GP tell him that you have not had appointment through.This is the procedure.

    Karen your pains could be a number of things,but if you start feeling sick or are in sever pain,you could have problems,after what happened to my husband I would tell you to go to A&E and tell them you are a suspected Myeloma case.

    Hope this helps.Eve



    Hi Karen

    Im Alison, my Mum has MM and was diagnosed last November.

    Yes I agree with Eve. I work as admin for NHS and anything to do with the C word should be prioritised as urgent and should be seen within 2 weeks. In my mums case it was 2 weeks to the day, and what an awful long wait that was.

    I hope you dont have to wait too much longer now, press your gp.

    Take care Alison



    Hi Karen,
    I care for my hubby kev, when he was first diagnosed aug: 16th 2010 he too was seen and on treatment in two weeks!
    Unfortunately kev as relapsed and again seen within two weeks so if it was me I would ring your GP chase up your referral!

    Good luck! I'll be thinking about you, keep us posted.

    Love liz& kev xx

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