It's all starting!

This topic contains 12 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    Went to hospital today for blood tests and was told my line would be put in
    on Thursday 6th.

    Back on Friday for Cyclo…(can't spell) and will stay in till Sunday.

    After that, its all a bit of a blur at the moment. Such a lot to take in.

    I've to have radiotherapy on my spine at some time too.

    Any advice would be most appreciated.

    Thank you




    Hi Tina

    Like you I'm on the Myeloma XI trial and was discharged from hospital on 18th July following High Dose Therapy and Stem Cell Transplant.

    It would seem that you are being admitted for Cyclopriming. This is a fairly large dose of Cyclophosphamide which will give your stem cells a kick start. It is common for this to be administered during a short spell in hospital so they can monitor you. It will probably then be followed by GCSF for several days before they try to harvest stem cells.

    I'm treated at Bristol and they took great care with the Cyclopriming such that I had no adverse effects whatsoever. Let's hope you are also fortunate.

    Very best wishes for your treatment.




    Hi Tina

    I hope you enjoyed the Great Dorset Steam Fair. We went to the Dorset County Show instead this year. A great day out where normality reigned!

    I had my hickman line fitted 2 days before my actual SCT and not for priming.

    I was given a choice of "being put out" or just having a local anaesthetic. I chose a local so that I could get home quicker afterwards!!!

    My specialist fitted it herself and although a bit of a "pushy" feeling whilst she was actually putting it in I felt no pain.
    It was put just under my left collarbone.
    It was a bit uncomfortable that night but I soon got used to dealing with the dangly bits.

    It soon became apparent why they're fitted. They can put drugs in and take blood out so quickly and easily without the need to keep sticking needles in you.

    To make sure it's been fitted correctly, you'll have an x-ray afterwards.

    I had mine removed less than a month later and it's only left a very small scar.

    I really hope it all goes well. Look forward to hearing all about it….

    Michele x



    Hi Tina,

    Colin has had his line in for a while now. It is really useful for the blood samples etc. Whilst he thought it was s bot of a nuisance to begin with, it has been very useful.

    Hi Stephen, how are you getting on after your SCT. We were wondering how you were doing. Colin has had two goes at stem cell harvest and neither worked. We are waiting for plan c. We hope you are on the mend,

    Vicki and Colin 🙂



    Hi Tina

    Im just wishing all the best for your Hickman line going in tomorrow. My Mum had hers removed on monday, and although she was glad to see it go it proved really a godsend, as you have lots of bloods taken and of course lots of iv drips.

    No pain going in or coming out!

    Love Alison xx



    Hi all,

    Line in ok. Slept ok, although I had a dragging sensation when I got out of bed.
    Just rang the ward and my bed will be ready for 1.00. Then at 3.00 I'm seeing radiotherapy people to plan my course of treatment inbetween harvesting and SCT.

    Wish me luck




    Tina I wish you all the luck in the world. Hope it all goes well. 🙂

    Live jean xx



    Hi Tina
    Good to hear its all underway,keep us all posted.
    cheers Paul



    Hi Tina well done and Good Luck girl

    Love and Hugs

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxx



    Dear Tina

    All best wishes for both SCT and radiotherepy. (I missed reading what this was for.)

    Love and prayers.

    Mavis x



    Hi all,

    Just a progress report on my treatment:

    6th Sept had Hickman Line fitted

    7 ? 9 In Walsgrave for chemo. Had 14hrs of drips on the Saturday!

    12th Sept: Started growth hormone injections to release the stem cells into my blood stream

    17th Blood Count at Walsgrave.If this is ok, then straight over to Warwick Hospital for the Stem Cell Harvest.

    24th ? 28th Radiotherapy. 1 session per day. This is to shrink the leisions on my spine.

    Then I get three weeks break to get my strength back before the transplant.

    So hopefully, by the end of October I will be finished.

    Oh, and my hair will start falling out in a week or so from today! But have ordered 2 lovely wigs.

    Thanks for all your support and prayers.




    Hi Tina

    Wow you have got it all down to a T and am sure it will all work out keep strong and fit(ish)

    Love and Hugs

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi Tina,

    Wishing you all the best for the next few weeks. Fingers and toes crossed for you!. Colins hair fell out this week too! He was a bit shocked to begin with but now has a stylish number 1 cut!. They do some great wigs don't they! My friend Delia had one when she had treatment and she liked it so much she ended up having a similar style and colour tones when her hair grew back!

    Fingers crossed those little stem cells will spill over and collected for your next stage 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x

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