Joined the forum @ 1:00am.

This topic contains 12 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  adamsp41 12 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #85582


    Good morning all.

    I think my steroids are keeping me awake!

    I'm new to the forums though I have been following
    them since I was diagnosed with MM in Oct 2011.
    I was diagnosed after 18 months of back problems.
    I was started on CDT immediately as my MM was
    adavanced. I have recently been switched to Velcade
    because my pprotiens were not falling fast enough.
    I'm being treated at North Tees Stockton. As at least
    one other I recognise on here is.
    Besides my MM I have damage to my back, vertebra
    wedging, resulting in poor mobility and loss of height.
    Also I have bladder problems which means I'm fitted
    with a long term catheter.

    Hopefully as I travel the MM journey I will be able to
    share my highs and lows and maybe even give some

    I'm a 53 year old male.

    All the best to you all

    Any mistakes are intentional :-/
    I'll do my best to learn as I go along ????



    Hi Andy welcome . Its sometimes funny when you find yourself doing mad things because of steroids!! There have been times when I found myself cleaning like a mad thing at 3 am !Like you I was diagnosed after about a year of back pain and they discovered 3 vertebrae had been destroyed completely After surgery to stabilise my spine with huge amounts of metal I am about 3 inches shorter than I used to be , very annoying . I think we all learn as we go along the path that myeloma has set for us Have a good day Bridget



    Hi Andy Welcome(?).

    We have all been there. You will find many of the posts are done in the early hours – all mostly down to steriods/drugs.

    We all look forward to sharing your journey as you know doubt will share ours.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Hi Bridget

    Thanks for the prompt welcome.
    I hope your back has improved and not causing you much discomfort. I too have lost 3 inches in height. My back pain isn't too bad at the moment – as long as I don't walk or stand longer than 10 mins!
    I think my consultant wants my SCT to take place before they start playing around with my back.

    Many thanks for replying I'm looking forward to being part of the forums and hopefully many up lifting stories.

    All the best Andy



    Thanks for the welcome David.
    My journey so far has been a bit bumpy – spent 10 days in hospital till Xmas eve after a fall caused my already damaged back severe pain. At this moment I'm feeling ok and up to the challenge of battling my MM.




    Hi Andy
    Welcome, as David and Bridget have said, lots of post goes on in the early hours, dex, sleeplessness, worry, whatever….. We do it all. The mm journey is like a roller coaster ride, feels different to each one of us, can be bumpy or smooth…….. Hope you've got the seat belt on………..!



    Hi Andy
    A warm welcome to this warm Site and am sure as you have read a bit you will already know that we have some great folk on here.

    Enjoy and ask and tell away, good luck with your road to remission

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    Hello Andy
    welcome to this site you will find so much help and encouragement from so many people Myeloma uk is so good and the help line is a god send so many questions that need answers I hope they can sort out your back and give you sme relief from pain GOOD LUCK with your MM journey
    Love Jo x



    Thanks for the welcomes Jo, Helen and Tom.
    I'm sure my road to remission will be bumpy at times but I will be sure to fasten my seat belt.

    I'm looking forward to sharing the good times and helping at the bad times.

    Best wishes to everyone
    Andy x



    Hi Andy good luck with your journey. It is an emotional roller coaster. But as It was said to me "it's not a walk in the park but you will get through it" and like others I did with the help and support of this site. People here have either been through it, are going through it or will be going to go through it. So stay close x



    Hi Andy
    Again welcome to the site
    My name is Eve and I am a carer to my husband,I use to be a 3am person,but things have got a lot better,and my husband took my advice about seeing the doctor and taking an extra pill,to try and get some normality in are life.
    He now takes a light ant depression tablet which makes his body relax so sleeps all night,wish he had done it earlier,because if he is up I am up!!:-P

    My husband like you was admitted with AKF and Hypocalcuimia on first visit to consultant,10am app wheeled in,on ward on drip within 30 min on a Friday morning had so much Dex that weekend he was high as a kite,all test done,and walked out of hospital on Monday afternoon,13 months later with a few hiccups waiting on SCT,so it can be done,have a good journey.Eve



    Hi Kay and Eve
    Thanks for the welcome. It good to know that there's people who care enough to support and share with others their experiences whilst in the middle of the MM journey. I'm on the first rung of the SCT ladder as I'm being referred to the transplant centre at the Newcastle freeman. I'm not sure how long the process will take from here till the transplant takes place. Obviously that'll depend on how my treatment progresses but I'm both excited and apprehensive about the SCT. I'm sure once I'm out the other side and hopefully in remission I will start to get back to a "normal" life.

    Best wishes and health



    Hi Andy…welcome to the mm website…it will be a roller coaster for definite and staying positive will be a key factor in dealing with what will be thrown at you….every best wish for a long remission…stay safe …Phil 🙂

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