Just been diagnosed

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  moraygig 1 year, 8 months ago.

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    Can some please help me I have just had these results through and cannot make sense of anything is there anyone here who could make light of it ?? Thanks
    Coded entry – Serum kappa light chain level (XabBH) 11.94 mg/L [3.3 – 19.4]
    Coded entry – Serum lambda light chain level (XabBI) 79.06 mg/L [5.71 – 26.3] – Above high reference limit
    Coded entry – Serum kappa:lambda light chain ratio (XabBC) 0.15 ratio [0.26 – 1.65]; Below low reference limit; Interpret FLC results with other laboratory tests; and clinical history:; – Renal impairment reduces FLC clearance. Renal; reference range for FLC ratio is 0.37-3.10.; – Very high concentrations of antigen may cause; artificially low FLC results. If a low result; unexpected please contact the



    Hello, welcome to this group, ya group I’m sure you would have preferred not to need.
    I’m not sure what the last part of your test result means, perhaps some of the detail was missed off?

    The results seem to be saying that your kappa light chains are within normal limits, but your lambda light chains are rather high which means that the ratio between them is also out of the normal range. 79 mg/l may feel very alarming, but actually that level is not particularly high. Many myeloma patients have levels over 1000 mg/l when they are diagnosed, & it is possible to be over 20,000 mg/l.
    It’s very hard when you’ve got nothing to judge abnormal figures against. When I was diagnosed my lambda light chains were 250mg/l which I found totally alarming, but the haematologist wasn’t concerned about this at all, just in my paraprotein level.
    I hope this helps (I’m not a Dr though!)



    Thank you, I’ve had more results through today saying my red blood cells are high and my haemoglobin is high as well as my alt and ast ? Going to doctors tomorrow



    I hope you got some answers when you saw the Dr today.
    Most patients with myeloma have low levels of red blood cells and haemoglobin rather than high.
    I had very high ALT at one time, but I think that was my liver not coping too well with a treatment rather than myeloma itself. ALT & AST test liver function.



    Hiya, just got my results a few weeks ago and had to say to consultant that everything she told me on first appointment just went over my head. Read the three myeloma booklets from start to finish twice in between appointments and found they also vanished.
    Good luck with your treatment, I think mines starts on the 20th.
    Take care

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