Just diagnosed

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  greeners 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    hi my better half has just been diagnosed with MM he is 67. It all seems strange, hectic and confusing at the moment. We are still trying to come to terms with the news. He has started on VTD treatment and finds coping with all the tablets and injections difficult, going from a healthy fit person to one who now needs regular medication. I have read many of the inspiring comments on the forums and they do help although at the moment our future plans are in limbo.

    Not sure what all the test result mean but sound scary, light chain 11,600 and plasma 90% with lots of bone lesions and tumours.

    The information sheets on this site do help understand this debilitating cancer I have read them avidly.




    Good day Lynn

    Sorry to hear your news about your other half.

    I to was diagnosed with MM at 67 with all relevant bone lesions. There are others on this forum who can help you with what all the relevant test results mean, I personally do not take much of that in but my consultant is excellent and he tells me if all results are going in the “right direction”.

    Pills and injections are, sorry to say, a necesary part of treatment to help him carry on with a near normal life as possible. You haven’t said if he is in pain or restricted in anyway.

    When I was in remission I travelled to Australia and there are others on this excellent forum who still travel and can offer advice on travel insurance etc.

    Hope this helps and that you can both move forward albeit with possible limitations.





    Thank you Graeme for your reply.

    Other half does have some pain a constant niggle he calls it mainly in his ribs. Mostly the pain is controlled by paracetamol. Getting tired and breathless are only restrictions at the moment.





    Hi Lynne

    my husband like yours was diagnosed in feb following he thought a pulled back muscle, only to find he had 5 fractures to his vetebrae  he has just had 8 months of CTD, it is frustrating to watch your loved one go through this treatment, all you can do. Is be there to support and  to be there, it is life changing but you can only try and take it each day  as it comes, whether it is good or bad.

    the treatment side effects are not nice, but if they work, they are worth it.


    if you need anyone to chat to feel free to message me



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