'Keep On Living On' (Song)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Lynda 13 years ago.

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    A blast from the past – I listened to this just now and it bucked me up a little… so I thought I'd pass the buck on.:-D



    Click on the link for an automatic playback 🙂

    [b]Keep On Living On

    Dead is easy, dying?s harder
    Sometimes you?ll find that living?s harder still
    Walking up a mountain path
    Can be tough on your legs
    But not as tough as running down a hill

    [b]Chorus: [/b]
    So you?ve got to learn to keep on living on
    Through sunny days and through the wind and rain
    Keep one eye on the weather and one foot on the ground
    And try to stay a strong link in the chain
    Know when to take your chances
    And to stay put when there?s none
    But most of all just keep on living on

    [b]V2. [/b]
    You?ve lived a little; you?re not an angel,
    Even though you know you?ve done some good
    Ok, sometimes you?ve stood back
    But I know you?ll learn to stand up
    Especially when your conscience says you should

    [b]Chorus: [/b]
    So you?ve got to learn to keep on living on
    Through sunny days and through the wind and rain
    Keep one eye on the weather and one foot on the ground
    And try to stay a strong link in the chain
    Know when to take your chances
    And to stay put when there?s none
    But most of all just keep on living on

    [b]Bridge: [/b]
    You may well ask who am I to give advice
    And son you?d have a point and that?s for sure
    But I have watched you growing from the day that you were born
    And the day will come when I can?t watch you anymore

    [b]Chorus: [/b]
    So you?ve got to learn to keep on living on
    Through sunny days and through the wind and rain
    Keep one eye on the weather and one foot on the ground
    And try to stay a strong link in the chain
    Know when to take your chances
    And to stay put when there?s none
    But most of all just keep on living on



    Hello Dia

    it cheered me uo too
    Love and ((hugs))Jo x



    Hi Dai

    What a lovely song. Hang onto it as you wait for your appoinment on 28th.

    I had a blast from the past today. My brother is visitng and we were listening to Peter, Paul and Mary. Why do songs from the past often seem so much better?

    Keep singing!





    Thank you Jo & Mavis,

    I wrote this for my son Ross a few years ago… since then he has married and presented me with a Grandson Owen… perhaps he will write him a song one day – who knows.:-)




    Hi Dai,
    Lovely song. Have printed it off computer and read it whenever I need a pick me up and it makes me smile and fills me with hope.
    Love LynXXX

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