Has anyone found themselves in the situation of wanting to move house to a town that falls in the adjacent area health authority? If so, were you able to keep your Myeloma consultant from the area health authority in which you lived at the time of diagnosis?
Also, if so, were you able to register with a new GP in your new area health authority but still see your Myeloma consultant in the old one?
I am finding this a vexing question that no one seems to be able to answer e.g. online Citizens Advice Bureau, Google, reading of the Patient’s Charter etc
The ‘choice’ element in the Patient’s Charter seems to come in at the point of diagnosis and since Myeloma is treatable but not curable, it’s not as though (presumably) we every get discharged.
I am so happy with my current consultant that I don’t want to burn my bridges, so to speak. Any advice would be great!
Many thanks,