Keeping your Myeloma consultant if moving house?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  colt1956 3 years, 10 months ago.

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    Has anyone found themselves in the situation of wanting to move house to a town that falls in the adjacent area health authority? If so, were you able to keep your Myeloma consultant from the area health authority in which you lived at the time of diagnosis?

    Also, if so, were you able to register with a new GP in your new area health authority but still see your Myeloma consultant in the old one?

    I am finding this a vexing question that no one seems to be able to answer e.g. online Citizens Advice Bureau, Google, reading of the Patient’s Charter etc

    The ‘choice’ element in the Patient’s Charter seems to come in at the point of diagnosis and since Myeloma is treatable but not curable, it’s not as though (presumably) we every get discharged.

    I am so happy with my current consultant that I don’t want to burn my bridges, so to speak. Any advice would be great!

    Many thanks,



    I would check this out with your consultant, or the team.
    I am treated on NHS outside my area and this has never been an issue for me. I was diagnosed at the hospital in my area but asked for a second opinion at the regional centre which is in a different health authority. I stayed on as a patient in that hospital, so in principle it does seem that we have a choice. Good luck, I hope you can have your new home and your old hospital team.



    Dear Mulberry,
    Thank you so much for your reply. I haven’t been on the Forum for a while. It was good to hear your story and I think I am getting things sorted out now. It’s obviously not a very common problem!
    Best wishes to you and I hope all is continuing well,



    Hi Rachel,
    I did exactly that ,although I moved back to the area I lived at before, but I was still able to keep seeing my present consultant and re -joined my previous GP practice. The only problem I had was that I could not have my bloods done at the practice as it would go to their own labs and not the hospital I was attending, however I went to the phlebotomist one week before my consultation and my consultant would have the results there when I arrived. The phlebotomist was in my haematology clinic at the hospital, your consultant will help you with all that so don’t worry. I just turned up on the day the haematology clinic was on and said I need bloods done for consultant and that was it, that was 6yrs ago and never had one problem. Hope all goes well for you on your myeloma journey.
    Love and blessings

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