Kettle is on for our own coffee morning!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  san 11 years, 4 months ago.

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    Morning all.

    Kettle is on and I wondered how everyone is…
    I am enjoying the sunshine that is taking us into October..

    in brief.. For those that don't know me my Mum was diagnosed with MM Dec 2010.. A long course of CTD she was finally ready for stem cell transplant at Notts in the Nov 2011 with the lovely Prof. (Professor Russell) and then got the all clear the following march 2012.. But sadly out of the blue in the June 2012.. temperatures started and she was admitted at first with the Drs thinking it was an infection. But it was not to be.. It was Plasma cell leukeamia.. 10 days later the story ended…

    I am coping as best as can be and thanks to the English weather this year,I have managed to start gardening and created a peaceful haven of colour.. I am 45 with 2 children 16 and 12 and we have started new hobbies and although the pain doesn't go away, I am finding a way of coping with it.

    My Mum was a lovely strong independent beautiful lady, who would be proud I am keeping in touch with the Myeloma bubble.

    I would love to do more to help, but not sure how…. Today I will donate to both of the charities that are close to my heart Macmillan and the wonderful Myeloma…

    I am also having a girly night in Fri 18thOct to raise monies for both…

    Would love to see if anyone else is out there for chat this morning??
    Angie xxxx



    Oh Angie, I'm so sad for your loss but happy that you are doing positive things and channelling your pain into helping others fight.

    My Dad was diagnosed with MM in August, so our fight is just starting out but it warms my heart that you are still fighting for others in your mums name – I'm certain your mum would be incredibly proud.

    I'm donating the money I would usually spend on coffee and a cake this weekend to Macmillan and Myeloma UK and will be encouraging all my friends to do the same.

    All the very best 😀




    Hi Angie, enjoy your girlie night on 18th 🙂 yes i agree your Mum would be so proud of you and thanks for keeping in touch with the forum its invaluable for us who are helping our loved ones with this illness. My Mum has MM and is in remission but we know that the dreaded can rear its head at any time again, Myeloma UK needs all the funds it can get and i too try to do a little bit through 'give as you live', love to you and enjoy your lovely garden, i know that this year my Mum has had loads of flowers from my garden grown just for her San xx

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