Latest escape!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  BADGER 14 years, 3 months ago.

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    Just out of Poole hospital after 12 days, this time for massive constipation problems. Isn't it horrendous? Anyway, it's hit me for 6 this time. Down 6 kilos and aching, but I'm currently on a twice daily slow release morphine tablet which does the biz. I'll recover.

    I'm taking it [u]very[/u] easy now till next year. And, of course, I remain the world's no. 1 optimist. Thank you to all of the staff at Poole; this was my 4th unscheduled visit there this year – so much for this New Year's Resolution of being none!

    I like this new site too!




    Hi Kevin

    Glad you are out and feeling better, yes take it easy now!!

    Well suppose it cant all be bad if you lost 6 kilos lol 😉

    and stay optimistic, bet way to be eh.

    take care, love michelle x x



    Hi Kevin you really have been through it this yearheres hoping that was your last hospital stay for a very long while !! Constipation is the bane of my life too but luckily it hasnt been bad enough to need to be admitted. Mst morphine is brilliant , makes life much more bearable Take it easy love Bridget



    Hi Kevin
    am well pleased you have escaped:-) and as they say easy does it 😀
    Take care and hope its the last time you have to go in for many a year




    Hi Kevin you have had a bad year lets hope its the last of it constipation is awful some one wrote on this site a few weeks ago about a home enima called Microalax have you tried that
    Keep Well Jo

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