Loose bowels & occassional dizzy spells

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  jeff605 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    I was diagnosed in January 2012. Had SCT September of that year. Since then I have been on maintenance as part of the Myeloma X1 trial. I’m on Revlimid 10mg, 21 out of 28 days. The main side effects have been tiredness & fatigue, this is common with Myeloma, so I just pace myself. This past year though I have been having loose bowels. A colonoscopy diagnosed slight Diverticulitus & slight IBS. I was also told that as the Revlimid has been in my system for a while now, this is also contributing to my problem.At home this is little problem. But going out I have to be careful what I eat. Been in more public toilets in last year than in all my life. The problem I have is slight dizziness during the 4th week of maintenance, ie. no Revlimid. This has happened for past 3 months & always 3 days after final tablet. As the Revlimid lowers white blood count is this being caused by the blood count coming back up? GCSF injections have similar effect on me. At my 4 weekly appointments my blood counts are always good & PP is not measurable also SFLC are good. Does anyone else have similar problems? My consultant is sceptical at the moment! But these are listed side effects. I’m staying on maintenance because we believe it is doing me good. There’s always side effects. I learn to live with them for the greater good.



    Hallo Eric
    I have a tip that may help with too loose bowels. I have been taking Revlimid for 6 years and my only real problem was unpredictable diarrhoea. I frequently had to dash to the WC with the fear that I wouldn’t make it. I learnt from an MM blogger that Questran might help so I asked my consultant if he was willing to prescribe it for me. I find it brilliant. It gets rid of the urgency. My consultant has since said that he is suggesting it for other patients with the same problem.
    I’ll be interested to know whether it helps you.



    Hallo Eric, I was drifting through the posts on a steroid night and found yours. I am in about the same position as yourself with results, haven’t had a SCT, and am on the 21 cycle of Revlimid ( same dose and frequency ) and Dex.
    I was interested in you saying about your fatigue, I have hit a real high level of this, really tired out, falling asleep very often. This is a new level of this, the consultant didn’t seem concerned, apart from mentioning that my haemoglobin is a bit lower – 8.9, had I any evidence of blood loss?, and that they would keep an eye on it. Apart from some side effects I have had since the start of Revlimid, i.e. sweats, quite severe weakness and unsteadiness at much the same pattern as yourself. Whether I have bowel looseness is difficult to say as I have an ileostomy, but I suspect it explains the sudden variation in output from the stoma. I am hoping for a reversal of the stoma, this is something I will need to talk to the surgeon about.
    What interests me, is what is due to Myeloma, and what is due to the treatment. I believe in thinking ahead, which of these it is will affect life style plans for the future.
    An aside, when the register I was seeing was writing out the prescription for the Revlimid, she said, cycle 21, it’s free now, keep it up for another 200, and we’ll bankrupt the b—–ts! Not heard of the it’s free bit, has anyone else Jeff



    Hello Eric, I hope you don’t mind me replying. My name is Ellen and I am one of the Myeloma Information Specialists at Myeloma UK.

    If you are taking Revlimid and have been having symptoms of diarrhoea or any change in the frequency or urgency with which you need to open your bowels then you should discuss this with your haematologist who may recommend a referral to a gastroenterologist. Revlimid can sometimes cause a condition called Bile Acid Malabsorption which can be easily treated. So please do speak to your doctor.

    If I can clarify anything for you, please do call me on the Myeloma Infoline on 0800 980 3332 or email askthenurse@myeloma.org.uk





    Thank you for your replies. I forgot to mention I have been prescribe Loperamide to help control my bowel problem. This helps but can’t stop the problem. Ellen I have already been seen by the gastro clinic & had a colonoscopy. The only problems the found were diverticulitus & IBS. I was told both these conditions were slight. But I will ask about Bile Acid Malabsorption.
    Still no replies to my dizzy spells in the middle of my free week off Revlamid.



    Hi Eric, I am just coming up to my Revlimid free week, I shall monitor it carefully and see how I feel day by day, and get back to you Jeff

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