
This topic contains 18 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  tmc 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    I just do not know what to do now.
    I have cared for Peter for so long and now it is over
    I feel like a fish out of water all my strength was used up and I am just a husk.
    Hoping it gets better soon
    Peter died on Sat July 21st
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Teresa
    I know exactly how you feel I lost my husband July 22nd aged 53. I have no idea on how to fill my days. I have a loving and supporting family to help see me through this. If you want to chat happy to give you my email address.
    God Bless xx



    Dear Teresa and Judy

    I am so very very sorry that your beloved husbands have lost their battle with this horrible disease. My thoughts and prayers are with you both at this terrible time

    Love Jean x



    Dear Teresa and Judy

    I am so sorry to read you have both lost your loved ones to this dreaded MM. I send my Love and Cyber Hugs to you both at this very sad time.

    Love and Loads of Hugs

    Tom xxxx



    Hi Teresa

    I am so sorry Teresa,I hoped for your sake that Peter might live long enough to see the new grandchild,but it was not to be.
    I hope Peter had a peaceful end with his daughter and son and yourself,It is sad that people are taken from us when they have every thing to live for,and my thoughts and good wishers are with you.

    Try not to escape this Myeloma bubble for awhile,because it will bring some comfort to you,and might help you with coping with your loss.
    I wish I could offer more.Love Eve



    Hello Teresa, Judy

    Sorry to hear of the passing of both your husbands, my condolences to you both and your families.

    Love liz & kev xxxx




    I had no idea that you had lost Peter and was glibly answering your posts in ignorance of your loss. I am so very sorry to hear that you have lost your Peter… There is very little that I can say other than my thoughts are with you and you too Judy, at this time. I hope that you find support and love enough from your respective families to help you through these early days of loss and grief.




    I am not here much at the moment and did not know how near the end it was I am so sorry to hear of your loss




    Hello Teresa

    Our thoughts are with you.

    Take care and God Bless

    Ann and Pete




    Hi Teresa

    How are things going,I should imagine the last few days have been very busy,I do hope you have had time to look in here and realise how many people have you in there thoughts.

    Take that walk down the garden,I hope it will bring you some comfort,look forward to the grandchild Peter would want you to find that strength,Love Eve



    Hi Judy
    I am sorry about you husband,you do not say much in your posting and have seemed to carry this burden with your family,but your husband was one of the Myeloma victims as well,so my thoughts on what you have endured go out to you.

    I replied on Teresa,s thread because,you did not put your own,thread on,and I can only guess that you are trying to give Teresa some comfort rather than seeking comfort yourself!!!
    My thoughts are with you at this sad time .Eve



    So sorry to hear about the loss of Peter.Our thoughts are with you. Take care Ozzy and Gayle xx



    So sorry about your loss. Our thoughts are with you.
    Take care Ozzy & Gayle xx



    Dear Teresa. And Judy
    I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your husbands.
    I know it is no consolation, but I am sure you will agree with the thought that they have both fought long and hard and are are no longer suffering.
    Its those who are left to grieve who suffer now, a pain which is indescrbable.
    The dark tunnel you both now find yourselves in will slowly brighten, but take your time to come to terms with the events of the past.
    It may help you a little to know that it is almost a year since I lost Peter,and emotionally it has been a roller coaster. I am not yet on steady ground, but I am at last attempting to look forward.
    Just as the myeloma journey is an individual one, so is the journey thru widowhood. Each one of us coping as best we can.
    I hope the journey you now find yourselves taking is gentle. surround yourselves with the pictures and memories of he happy times you shared. They will drown out the horror of recent months. Take care



    I was so sorry to read when I logged on today after a few days absence from the board that Peter has lost the fight against this #@#@#@ disease, Teresa.

    There is nothing I can say to make it easier for you and your family to bear, but I am thinking of you at this sad time and sending cyberhugs across the ether.


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