This topic contains 16 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years ago.

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    Last week, I received the excellent news that the myeloma tumour, which was attached to my spine, has completely disappeared, after radiotherapy.
    Tomorrow, I am having an operation to insert titanium lumbar kyphoplasty on L1, L2 and L3.
    I am on the third cycle of chemo (PAD), and have been told that I am being put forward for stem cell treatment after the fourth cycle.
    I am wondering if anybody has had the lumbar kyphoplasty operation and how they have found life after the operation.



    Hi Glenn

    And a Well Done on getting rid of the Tumour

    I will leave the info for your other op to some one else as i dont know anything about it? but good luck Anyways.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    Hi Glenn,Sounds like your doing really well,and lovely news to hear that your tumour has gone,i had the same thing,but i never had a klapaplasty,i had a vertreplasty,best thing i ever had done,with the klapaplasty i think they insert balloons,to raise it up,where as what i had done,was sightly differant,with me the cemented my T11 & T12,i had back ache for months,soon as i had this done i felt millions times better. I do hope that all goes well on your road to recovery,keep us all in touch with your progress,best wishes Shirls:):) P.S: Feel free to ask us anything,we got a lovely group going here,and everyone willing to help,take care 🙂



    Thanks Shirl and Tom.I am a little apprehensive but know that it is necessary and hope to get good results from it. I am also unbelievably tired at the moment and no amount of sleep refreshes me…no energy either, but suppose that is down to the chemo along with all of the other meds and morphine that I am taking. Can't wait for this bit to be over, then get the SCT out of the way and hopefully get back to some sort of normality…drug free, less pain etc. Just hope that I can get a good few years before its time to do it all again.



    Hi Glenn

    great news your tumour has gone what a relief you can now look forward to your SCT good luck with that I hope all goes well with your op Love Jo x 🙂



    Hi Glenn great news about your tumour Heres hoping you get your sct very soon and have a very lng remission love Bridget x



    Hi Glenn!

    I was wondering how your kyphoplasty operation went and how you are feeling now.




    Iam not sure if I am posting this message in the right place, but just wanted to finalise Glenn's postings. I know that he has not been on here for some time to post messages but has certainly kept up to date with information and blogs. Sadly Glenns fight ended on Monday 21/1 at 5.15 p.m. We had been told that he had an aggressive form of myeloma and despite a succesfull SCT remission was short and Revlamid etc didn't work. He became more and more neutropenic and finally was overtaken by pneumonia.He was so brave and fought right to the end and I will miss him greatly. Jaqui (his fiancee)



    Dear Jaqui

    I am so very sorry to read of Glenn's passing. Nothing that I can say will ease your pain. My deepest sympathy to you and The family. I hope the love and support of family and friends helps you through this terrible time

    Love Jean x



    Dear Jacqui

    So sorry to hear this news – this awful disease takes no prisoners,Please be strong and take care of yourself.You are in our thoughts.
    Best wishes
    Ozzy & gayle



    Dear Jacqui

    I very rarely post on the site, but I am so sorry to hear that you have lost your beloved Glenn. I can only imagine how devastated you must be.




    23-01-2013 at 11:35 AM

    Iam not sure if I am posting this message in the right place, but just wanted to finalise Glenn's postings. I know that he has not been on here for some time to post messages but has certainly kept up to date with information and blogs. Sadly Glenns fight ended on Monday 21/1 at 5.15 p.m. We had been told that he had an aggressive form of myeloma and despite a succesfull SCT remission was short and Revlamid etc didn't work. He became more and more neutropenic and finally was overtaken by pneumonia.He was so brave and fought right to the end and I will miss him greatly. Jaqui (his fiancee)

    Dear Jaqui

    I am so sorry Glenn has lost his brave fight against Myeloma, My thoughts are with his Family and Friends at this sad time.

    Lots of Love and Hugs
    Tom xxxx



    Thank you for your kind messages. Funeral Friday…life is difficult.





    I'm awaiting kyphoplasty and SCT in the next few weeks myself – I clicked on this thread for information about kyphoplasty.

    I don't know what to say. I didn't know Glenn, but I know what he's been through and I feel like everyone with myeloma is my brother or sister.

    I was so sad to read your post. My thoughts are with you, and with your family and friends.





    I hope all goes well on Friday and I am sending you Cyber Hugs to help you get through this difficult time.

    Love and Hugs Tom xxxx

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