Manchester Infoday 22 September

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  eve 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    Patient and Family Myeloma Infodays are a great way to learn more about myeloma from experts in the field and to meet others who may be in a similar situation.

    The programme for the upcoming Infoday at the Radisson Blu Hotel Manchester includes presentations from some of the top experts in the UK on current strategies for the management of myeloma, managing complications of myeloma and side-effects of treatment and an overview of treatments in development.

    The Infoday will contain a broad mix of presentations, discussions and breakout sessions so whether you are attending for the first time, or have been to an Infoday in the past, there is something for every level of knowledge and stage of myeloma.

    If anyone is interested in attending the up coming Myeloma Infoday please call Nicola on 0131 557 3332 or email The registration fee is £20 per person or £50 for a group of three and includes the full meeting, delegate pack/materials, all refreshments throughout the day and a two course hot lunch.

    All the best




    Hi Ellen, was with you all this time last year, but lost mum in November and finding it hard but mum would want us to carry on and be strong. We wont be coming this year but would recommend it to anyone else,it was a brilliant informative day and we met lots of lovely people that were going through the same, be them,patient,carer etc.
    I hope this year is as big a success as last year.
    Gina xx



    I just wish they would do one south of London,just to far to travel, bad enough having to go to Kings,every few months.So unless it comes my way will not be going to info day. Love Eve

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