Marks on soles of feet

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  colt1956 10 years ago.

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    Hi to everyone,I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma 6 mths ago and now in remission awaiting stem cell transplant,feeling ok apart from bouts of neuropathy in my feet and just recently I have noticed small red marks which are a little raised and itchy sometimes, has anyone else had this,Iam on gabapentin for the nerve pain.Love and blessings to all on this journey.



    Hi there,
    I’ve just had a bout of itchy red marks like small blisters on my feet. They are an indication of Shingles in my case. As for Neuropathy on my feet, I did have that whilst on Velcade but that has all but gone now. As for the schingles, I was given anti viral tablets whilst under treatment and my consultant said if I ever get cold sores or shingles then just start taking the tablets again.



    Hi Richard,Thanks for your help I will phone my  doctor to- day ,I just happen to have a cold sore too.Iam glad your Neuropathy has gone gives me some hope take care and thanks again.


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