Midway through 1st cycle

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  eve 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    Was a bit precipitate with statement of no side effects of treatment. Am now suffering/ have suffered from every side effect in the book. Total lethargy,severe cramps, sickness, changes to bowel movements, peripheral neuropathy but most of the time I just sleep. And I am still classed as the carer in the family.

    I saw my consultant this morning. I am to reduce my Revlimid intake as my kidney function has deteriorated and I have been prescribed another tablet for the cramps. Long term I will find the peripheral neuropathy more irritating as my passtime was making mosaics which I would have been unable to do recently even had I wanted to.

    I am putting in an application for a blue badge. The mm nurse has written a supportive letter and now I will have to cross my fingers and hope that it is seen



    I am sure that the tablets that you have been prescribed for cramp are the right thing BUT if they don't do the job ask if taking Coenzime Q10 would harm you in any way.

    They were suggested to me by my cardiologist when I started having cramp because of taking betablockers.

    When Stephen (mm husband) started getting cramp we asked if he could take Q10 His specialist poo, pooed it a bit but said we could try if we wanted. It really does help.


    PS I used to buy them from Holland and Barett until Min put me onto Healthspan. Much cheaper thanks Min



    Hi Peggy
    Do not know how you managed it but you have two post in General with same title one very up beat,other one not so,!!!! just found this one,as i was looking to see how you were managing:-)
    I do not know if anybody has mentioned it,but drinking water is so important for your kidneys,if you find it hard drink anything you like,you may find your taste changes and things you would not normally drink,you enjoy.Slims taste on drinks change by the day,from fizzy drinks,juices,warm juices and tomato juice. LOL.I make sure he has tomato juice plus bananas for potassium I cannot help you with your other side effects,but i am sure someone on here will be able to.
    I am surprised ss are not more helpful with your circumstances,some times you have to make yourself heard ,can you not get a review?.
    Blue badge is a must,there is also financial help out there ,If you do not get any joy,people on here cantell you the best way to go about it,!!:-/

    Your energy levels will get better as,the drugs do there job,but it does take a long time,it,s not a quick fix.The tablets to help you not to feel sick,make sure you take them 30min before you eat.

    Let us know how you are doing,and I am sure someone can help you with other things.Best wishers Eve.

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