Morphine Side Effect

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jeff605 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi All, I have been taking Zomorph for pain control of my back for some time. Due to an emergency hospital admission – nothing to do with Myeloma – I have been off morphine for some 10 days. Since restarting taking it, I have been having extreme – and I mean extreme – periods of sweating, like someone pouring a cup of water over me, lasting for an hour to an hour and a half. This leaves me wet through, cold and weak. I have only started back on Dex and Revlimid this morning so it’s not that.
    Has anyone had experience of this? My doc. is away for three weeks and trying to get to talk to another doctor is almost impossible !! Jeff



    Hallo again, further to this it looks like it is due to being off morphine for 11 days while in hospital – could I get them to understand I needed pain relief for my back, not what had been done to me in hospital – and going straight back onto the full dosage I was on previously. I have cut it right back and the sweating has largely disappeared. Just have to put up with the back pain for now . Jeff



    Hi Jeffery

    Well, by default you have had to take things in your own hands. Sometimes though, I feel it is best. Can you tolerate something like Tramadol till you can build up to your original morphine dose?

    All best wishes.




    Hallo Mavis, I talked to one of the practise doctors, explained my thinking, he agreed that I was right and suggested and prescribed coprodamolphosphate ( I think !! ) to keep me going until the morphine catches up, quite how it will work I’m not sure. I shall try to put up with the delicate back as long as I can and try to avoid complicating things. Thanks for the best wishes. Jeff

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  jeff605.


    Hi Jeffery,

    I was on ZoMorth for some time when I had a great deal of bone pain some time back. Zomorth is very addictive I found, and when I cam off it I went through “Cold Turkey” withdrawal. I had all you had plus I felt like death warmed up. I would lay in bed sweating madly but feel very very cold. I had ants under my skin crawling all over me. I lost all my drive and had no will to do anything. It lasted about a week, maybe less if I remember correctly, but I stuck at it and would not take it. To help I would take 5 mil of Oramorth, one in the morning and one does at might. I then stopped that. Fortunately my bone pain had gone.

    kind regards – vasbyte




    Hi David, your experience with withdrawal certainly matches mine, I don’t get the ants thank goodness. I shall bear with it, now down to zero Zomorph. Hopefully it will settle down soon and I can start to build the Zomorph back up for my back pain.Just hope I haven’t developed a reaction too it. Really annoying as it was caused by the hospital not listening to me post an emergency operation for an abcessed appendix and a perforated bowel ( no warning, just being sick and went into a coma for 4 days !!) and only giving me a low dose of Zomorph for 11 days, despite me making a fuss about it. Took a sensible night nurse to sort it out. Good to know I am on the right track, I wasn’t sure, David. Shame, the Myeloma treatment with Revlimid is going well and I am evidently heading for remission. Could really have done without this added complication, but as I say, just deal with it, Stoma and all.
    Best wishes to all on the Myeloma journey,

    Thanks, David, Jeff

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  jeff605.
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