MRI scan

This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Helen 12 years ago.

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    Hi all, Had my Consultation today.

    My Myeloma is definitely on the move again, now crept up to 9.5 from 6.7 in the past 8 weeks. Still relatively low but they are very wary about some pains I am getting in my chest. So I am going to be called forward for a full body MRI scan in the near future. Then if that shows trouble I will be going onto Velcade, which I understand will be given subcute.

    Kindest regards to all ? vasbyte




    Hi David

    Velcade is good although you have to go to hospital a lot more,Slim had less side effects,we did the hospital bit twice in one day two times a week,blood in the morning infusion afternoon,tablets once a month,you look forward to the week you do not take anything.
    Lets hope MRI scan is clear,it's the damage it causes,I think is more of a problem,bones never go back to full strength,Slims waiting results of BMB ,they have decided if he is prepared to have one taken six monthly,it is the only way to tell how the myeloma is progressing,last one came up no live myeloma cells in marrow,lovely phrase.
    Good luck David.Eve



    Hi Eve, The hosptial is 500 yards from me so going in is not a problem. How many doses of Velcade did Slim have?

    Yes, your are right "[i]no live myeloma cells in marrow[/i]" is a lovely phrase.:-D

    kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi David

    Sorry to read you got confirmation that the damn MM is on the move 🙁 Hope your MRI goes well.

    Vasbyte and of Course Onwards and Upward

    Tom x



    HI David although your MM is starting to creep up it's not blazing a trail 6.7-9.5. is pretty mundane. Maybe your Consultant should be organising a BMB to see how your bone marrow is performing as PP's alone are a strong pointer but not the definitive answer.

    Best of luck David.




    Hi David

    Sorry to hear your mm is on the move….on a positive point as Keith said, it's not a huge leap. Hope the MRI scan doesn't reveal anything untoward, keep strong and as Tom says, on wards and upwards xxx

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi David
    Hospital 500 yards,you lucky devil,no problems for you.blood test morning,phone you. Up,and pop over for injection .

    Slim had 6 cycles which surprised me as,he had just completed 6 cycles of CDT,only to find after BMB the Myeloma had increased in bone. Marrow but was showing on Kapper Light Chains as in remission,that is why BMB for Slim is consided the only true marker,there does not seem to any one else on here who has same problem. It has worked for Slim,the first marker is general health which is good,no coughs or colds,but his bones are not good,uses very strong pain tablets. Looks if bone marrow will be taken every six months,but we do see consultant every 2 months,just in case !!!!!!
    He now has a excellent GP so if I am worried and do not want to contact hospital,she has arranged treatment,we do keep antibiotic s at all times.

    If Velcade works for you David,you should have no problems,they are having good results from people who have had it as second line treatment,so you will be around to see you lawn flower this spring.
    Have you managed to get all your jobs finished in the garden.
    Has anyone noticed that Helen is not posting ???? Love Eve



    Hi Guys and Gals, Thanks for the support and advice very welcome.

    Yes, Eve, I very much intend to see my flowers bloom. I have just received the first batch of Plug Plants, 340 Red Geraniums ? I now have to pot them on which is always a tedious job. The garden will look the same as last year; I tried to persuade the better half to go for something else this year to no avail, having said that last year the Garden looked a real picture.

    Hi Keith, I have bog standard Myeloma G, nothing complicated and the PPs show up the progression of Myeloma like a Light house beacon, so no need for a BMB. Actually, I have only ever had one BMB and that was prior to my diagnoses in July 2009. The reason for the scan is that I have some mysterious pains in my chest, I am not sure whether it is bone Pain or not and I am taking Tramadol at night to help me sleep. I also have advanced prostate cancer which also attacks the bones so they want to see what is happening inside me I think! I will know all in 6 weeks time.

    Kindest regards to all ? vasbyte




    Hi David

    Sorry to hear that MM is on move. Fingers crossed that MRI so sent show up anything to worry about. Best wishes.

    Eve I had noticed Helen hadn't posted. I sent her an email last week and she is usually quick in replying nut heard nothing. Hope things are ok with her

    Jean. xx

    Ps Helen has been in Barcelona



    Hello David,

    Sorry to read that MM is on the up its good there on the ball and hope the MRI goes well

    Thinking of you keep well! Love liz & kev xx



    Hi David
    Hope your MRI shows nothing untoward.

    And yes Eve and Jean I'm back from Barcelona, Gaudi and Picasso'd out but was much warmer there than here. Lanzarote next month for more sun, and still desperately trying to get my head round the increased light chains, can't tell you how devastated that result last week has felt. It was exactly 18 months from SCT, I thought and still feel so well.
    Love Helen

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