Mum back in hospital after a nice holiday

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    Thanx Guys, Mum is really on the up she looking so much better, she stops her IV antibiotics today,waiting for prof to do his ward rounds today to find out when he is going to let her home!! will keep you posted.

    with love michelle x x



    Hi All

    it was planned that mum was coming home today, well it was not meant to be, she had really picked up at the beginning of the wk and has started to go down hill again, been to see her tonight and she is looking quite poorly. They have done 4 xrays of her lungs that they can sit side by side to look at them, not really sure what for tho? if anyone can help on that one i would appreciate it. Not sure if she is going to make disney on ice now, feeling really low at the moment, cant understand why everytime she comes of antibiotics everything starts going pear shaped again.

    with love michelle xx



    Michelle, Roz's husband has/had a similar problem!

    Kindest regards



    Hi Michelle what a rollercoaster for your poor mum and all of you . I hope they get to the bottom of it really quickly Fingers and toes crossed she gets to disney on ice love Bridget x



    Hi david

    And they happen to be in the same hospital too, but under different consultants.

    Hi Bridget
    Roller coaster sure is the word to use, I am going to ring the lead specialist nurse today, to see if she can explain to me what is happening.

    Just when things were looking up, she was so well at the beginning of the week, I know that pneumonia is hard to get over normally so when you have myeloma too, Im keeping all crossed too. thanks

    with much love michelle x x



    Hi all

    Hospital allowed mum to go out on half day release to see Disney on ice, she had a fantastic time, very tired when i got her back there, but least she got go.

    with love michelle x x



    Michelle that is really great news, I am so pleased for her. Give her a big hug for me please.

    kindest regards



    Will do david thanks michelle x x



    Dear Debs great that your mum was able to enjoy the show it will have done her the world of good .I have crossed fingers and toes that she will be home really soon now love Bridget x



    Hi Michelle

    Oh am sorry your Mom Didn't come home, but am very pleased your mom got a day pass to see the "Ice Show" thats great news and am sure you all had a great day 🙂

    Love and Hugs sent your way for you all

    Tom xxx



    Hope she continues to improve on the abs and you soon get her back home.




    Hi All

    Just to let you know that Mum came home last night, and is so happy to be back in her own bed lol! She is now on Revlimid and will be having weekly checks at the hospital for 8 wk. Her chest is so much better, but she still has a cough, i am sure that will get better in time.

    with love michelle x x



    Hi Michelle wonderful news !!! I am so pleased for your mum and you it must be a weight off your mind and now mum can get better much more quickly at home love Bridget x

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