My Mum, Jean Walton, a perfectly healthy 86 year old lady prior to December 2014, has been diagnosed with Myeloma. Having conformed and had regular checkups per year at the GP’s, had a healthy lifestyle, my Mum was admitted to Stepping Hill Hospital in Stockport suffering from severe dehydration. Her kidney function was compromised but Consultants were at a loss as to why. Single symptoms like the dehydration and constipation were addressed and dealt with in the usual manner ie. saline drips to hydrate etc. We also noticed Mum’s was posture had gone from being perfectly upright to slightly bent over. This was ‘blamed’ on osteoporosis and her age. Mums kidneys recovered and then spent 6 weeks in a residential care home in-order to get her strength back and learn to use a walking frame with help from physios. A bout of the Novo-virus ( common in nursing homes ) didn’t help as she was making a great recovery. Upon a 2nd visit to Stepping Hill, my Mum asked her Consultant to check for Multiple Myeloma ( my Father had died of the same disease 27 years earlier ), so she probably recognised some symptoms but she was insistent on the check being done. A biopsy was done from the hip and sure enough she had Myeloma. My Mum is now approaching the end of her life, is confused, worn out and her small immediate family are devastated.