My friends got Parkinsons

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi all I need someone to talk to so hope you don't mind my moan.

    I sit here alone watching the tree my grand-daughter put up. I miss Michael so much and want to hold him tight. I then get a phone call telling me that my best mate has Parkinson's disease.She has been like this for 2 yrs, going to the same doctors Michael went to. She got told by the GP's No its not Parkinson's but yes it is! I've spent the day with my friend making her feel better, showing her and helping her to carry on. Then I come home. The tree is still staring at me, the anniversary of his death is getting closer and closer, and I just want to scream and shout and ask why all the people I love are either gone or getting ill. I wonder if I'm a curse sometimes.

    I'm suppose to be going to the group's xmas party tomorrow, but I don't want to go. How do I have fun. Christmas Eve is just around the corner. His death still staring me in the face. People saying Merry Christmas to you, when I know it can never be the same.
    Sorry for moaning but the nearer Christmas comes the downer I become.

    Love you all



    Hi Roz

    I am sorry your friend is ill,and am sorry you are having to cope with it so near the date of Michealmpassing away.

    It's good that you are helping her at this time and am sure you will make a difference to your friend by your advice and help with the strength you have got (yes you have strength) .

    Keep looking at the tree, your Granddaughter wanted it put up so I think she is now ready and looks like she wantsmyoumto move on with her.

    Good. Luck Roz it's still going to be a hard one still but it's worth the try.
    Hope you got to the party.

    Love and hugs

    Tom xxxxxxx



    Hi Roz

    How are we doing today? Hope your doing ok.
    Have you been and seen your friend, has your chat helped her? I hope it has.

    Let us know how you are getting on Roz

    Love and Cyber (((Hugs))) Tom xxx



    Thanks Tom

    Yes I've been to see my friend, I've tried to calm her down and ask her husband to look after her…God I feel crap. how your supposed to carry on when seen what I've seen is beyond me.. Sister just left but all I want to do is break..Just shows you, when your disabled your left to rot



    Morning Roz

    Its Good that you are still strong enough to help your Friend and her Husband when you feel a bit Low yourself.

    Am sure the help you are offering will in itself help you in time am sure of it.

    Stay strong and well Roz

    Love Tom xxxx

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