Myeloma Infoday

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  BADGER 13 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi Friends
    I went to the Newcastle infoday today and ………………don't know how I managed to do it but I stood up and gave a talk from a carers perspective.
    It was the scariest thing I have ever done. A room full of 80 patients and carers plus professionals.
    I had the worst heart palpitations and dryest mouth ever. I was asked some time ago to do it, but imagined I would bottle out and not go when the time came. Peter was unable to attend low neutraphils impending chest infection and ever the silent suffer. But he wrote his thoughts as a sufferer and his nurse specialist read it for him.
    Phew Im pleased I did it but it cost me a sleepless night.
    More importantly the day was amazing. The smack bang up to date information was really interesting and Professor Jackson who fronts a lot of the video s on this site was there too.
    The opportunity to ask questions of health professionals was really useful. I learnt a lot about exactly what the treatments you get actualy do and what drugs are waiting to come on stream for the future.
    All in all it was a day I would not have missed for the world as I learnt so much. More importantly I met a lot of really lovely people who are patients and carers and come home feeling great.
    If the opportunity allows I would ask you all to make your way to one if you can, Ellen and her colleagues were there and they are a lovely bunch of people who run Myeloma UK.



    Hi Min congratulations you must be walking on air!! I have had to give a few presentations in my work so I know how scary it is , you should be very proud of yourself . I hope to get to an info day soon I could use some inspiration at the moment !!My neutrophils are rock bottom too and I have a blood test Monday to determine whether I can take the next course of rev .I hope Pter starts to feel better soon love Bridget x



    Hi Bridget
    Im back to earth with the washing and shopping etc.
    When Peter finished his 1st course, his neutrophils were low so the Dr gave him a lower dose rather than take him off it.
    He has now had 5 days with no swollen ankles ( think now I know more that in fact this is due to the zometa)
    Who am I to know but hopefully its the revalamid too. Lower doses are just as effective.
    Im full of myself now I have learnt a lot more about this disease. Finished work Friday and I intend to keep much closer eye on what my husband gets up to.. By that I mean watch his fluid intake, feed him wholesome food. Not to mention bullying him into getting better!!!!!!
    That will get him back to work and from under my feet.!
    Love MIn



    I have been to a myeloma info day and It is brave people who stand up and give talks that make the day the carers are so important and myeloma uk do not forget that fact.

    Love Jo xx8-)



    Hey Bridget

    There is one in london in october I hope to see you there I am sure you will make it

    Lots of love Jo x 😎

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