Myeloma UK – Financial Support and Benefits Survey

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  tom 14 years ago.

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    Hello everyone,

    As the Government is currently looking at a number of proposals for the overhaul of the benefits system across the UK, we want to know your thoughts and experiences of the current system.

    We would therefore be very grateful if you would complete the following confidential survey:

    Myeloma UK will use the survey responses to formulate its position and to ensure that the proposals take account of and accurately reflect the specific needs of the myeloma community.

    The survey should take you approximately 10 minutes to complete.

    If you have any questions, just let me know

    Best wishes,

    Kate Morgan, Policy and Campaigns
    Myeloma UK



    Well I've done my bit. Didn't really want to as I find the whole exercise of relying on benefits both demeaning and humiliating but needs must (claiming and campaigning). I hope this survey helps show just how much out of tune the benefits system is in relation to mm patients.:-0




    Yes Dai, I have also completed the survey. I do not have to rely on benifits but I know what you mean and if we want people/organisations to help us we need to give them the information they need. I urge everybody to complete the survey – it is painless;-)

    kindest regards



    Cannot find Financial Support and Benefits survey on line.
    Nick Harvey



    Well I also completed the online form, as i was am one of those that would need it.

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