myeloma X1 trial

This topic contains 18 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  brocho 13 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #89873


    With regard to holiday insurance, there's a list on this site of companies which will give you a quote for people who suffer from illness and more particularly, myeloma. You need to ring round as the prices vary wildly, also, I seem to have seen other posts regarding people who had good quotes from different companies so yes, you can get insurance but SHOP AROUND!




    Hi Thanks kwilson for the advice on insurance I will look for that.

    Hope everybody is enjoying this lovely weather or is it just south of the thames that has it?



    Hi Eve try
    Got a quote down from several thousand to just under two hundred.(quid) Im just waiting for my husband being fit to travel due to neutropenia or I would be lying in the sun now.
    It is raining and It is cold enough to freeze the *** here in the north east today. If he doesn't hurry up and pick up Im going to leave him at home LOL. Anyone got any thoughts on how to increase neutraphils?



    Hi Min what a pain these neutrophils are I am having the same problem!! Is Peter on the GSF injections ? I have been told its likely I will need one or two a week to keep my neutrophils up. what joy !! I really hope you can get some sun soon love Bridget

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