Hiya lynda 1
Don’t despair. I have Multiple Myeloma and also Lymphoma.
I had chemotherapy and stem cells harvested in early 2014.
The skin on the soles of my feet just peeled of in sheets… quite alarming at the time. I REALLY struggled to walk… the podiatrist could do nothing to help as he said it was nerve damage. I took Gabapentin 300mg x 3 daily which eased it. Thin soled shoes crucified me. I could only walk short distances.
However, with perserverance and time… They DO get a whole lot better. I wear Pavers shoes, which have air pockets in the sole (unfortunately they cannot be re-soled) and are brilliant. My feet have improved beyond belief, apart from first thing in the morning. After half an hour or so, I am more or less “normal”… the pins and needles and tenderness have subsided and by the afternoon, I am grand. So please do not despair. Hope this goes some way to re-assure you both.
Best wishes,