
This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  dbrr 7 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi my husband was diagnosed with Myeloma in December 2014 and although he is in remission he is suffering terribly from neuropathy and finds the pain in his feet increasingly difficult to cope with. He is reluctant to take more medication and it has been suggested that capsaicin cream would benefit with pain releif. Has anyone tried this or any other alternative treatments.? We would be extremely grateful for any tips or advice. Many thanks.
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    Hiya lynda 1

    Don’t despair. I have Multiple Myeloma and also Lymphoma.

    I had chemotherapy and stem cells harvested in early 2014.

    The skin on the soles of my feet just peeled of in sheets… quite alarming at the time. I REALLY struggled to walk… the podiatrist could do nothing to help as he said it was nerve damage. I took Gabapentin 300mg x 3 daily which eased it. Thin soled shoes crucified me. I could only walk short distances.

    However, with perserverance and time… They DO get a whole lot better. I wear Pavers shoes, which have air pockets in the sole (unfortunately they cannot be re-soled) and are brilliant. My feet have improved beyond belief, apart from first thing in the morning. After half an hour or so, I am more or less “normal”… the pins and needles and tenderness have subsided and by the afternoon, I am grand. So please do not despair. Hope this goes some way to re-assure you both.

    Best wishes,




    The only relief I have found for my neuropathic pain, which first began 7 years ago when I received oxaliplatin for colon cancer, has been a combination of fentanyl and oxycodone.  I have been taking Revlimid for myeloma (in my third course) and that has made the neuropathy worse in my feet and hands and has added the nasty sensation of bugs dancing and cavorting on my lips.  Narcotics are a temporary relief at best, and never extinguish the pain, but they do tend to lessen the difficulties.  I hate being dependent on them, but they give me a chance to feel somewhat productive.  In desperation I have tried capsaicin cream in the strongest versions available in the US, hot castor oil, acupuncture, cranial sacral treatments, massage and others that I can’t think of at the moment.  In the States, they try to tell me that narcotics don’t work for neuropathy, and in my case they are absolutely wrong.  I’d have given up without them.  Not an especially cheerful commentary, but if they are available to your husband, I hope he will find them of help.

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