New diagnosed with SMM at 43yrs

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Lorna 12 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi, I have finally got round to joining this forum having being diagnosed in June 2012. After a routine blood test it was discovered I had a PP of 30. All a bit of a shock, which was then followed by full x-rays and bone marrow. Thankfully x-rays were all clear, but bone marrow had 15% myeloma cells.

    I have been on regular blood tests by my local haemotaology department, a 'watch and wait' view as I have no other symptoms.

    Today my PP was upto 38 which I was dissapointed at, plus occassional upper back pain – which I will now get an MRI for.

    Its very interesting reading everyones comments – and it would appear that everyone has different symptoms and levels.

    Would love to hear from other smouldering patients, plus I think I am in the group of younger patients at 43.

    Accepting the condition is getting a bit easier, but everytime I get tested I think 'is this the one?' So a bit of an emotional rollercoster. Not knowing when this started makes it unclear how long I may smolder for, but with monthly checks I expect consultant will get a better picture.

    Thank you for reading
    Sarah Jane



    Hi Sarah Jane

    I've dropped you a reply on the other page so give me a shout if you want to catch up

    take care



    Hi Sarah Jane

    Have you thought of emailing Scotty and requesting an invite to the under 50s site yet? They might be really useful to you as you have said elsewhere that your SMM has progressed and you are now on the Myeloma XI trial.

    Lorna x

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