Hi all
I started this journey in January 2011. Probably not related, but I got Pleurisy in Jan 2011, which was rather unpleasant.
In June of 2011, I had a TIA, mini stroke. Whilst in hospital in Chelmsford Essex, I got informed that I had a small hole in the heart, was anaemic, then got told I had Myeloma, all in the space of a couple of weeks. Needless to say, I wasn?t overly impressed.
I started off with one dose of Thalidomide, but was intolerant of that, so got switched over to Velcade, and had three cycles of that. My protein came down to 3, and had started off at 52.
I am now under Bart?s, and just had a lung and heart function test yesterday, which was fine. I go back this Friday for my first dose of chemo, followed by daily injections for a week, prior to going back for the SCT.
As a completely blind person, I didn?t like my time in hospital last year, as the nurses just didn?t get blindness. I?m really hoping the staff at Bart?s have more of an insight to sight loss, as I could really do without that on top of what I will be going through.
I?ve just been looking through older post on the forum, a have found them very useful. I especially liked the information on side effects prior and post SCT, so thanks to the contributors for that.
I?m obviously going to be around for a while, so look forward to further reading.
Thanks for reading
Oh, and ifn case you are wondering, I use a screen reader on my laptop for reading and writing posts.
A very nervous Terry