New to diagnosis

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  mulberry 3 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi – Ongoing back pain, X-rays show arthritis, bloods indicate raised myeloma marker. Bone biopsy next Tuesday. So stressed and scared.



    Hello Suzie

    Yes it is a stressful time and a lot to get your head round. All I can offer is that I was diagnosed in 2006. Few treatments each giving full remission which is were I am today. Although not curable it is becoming more treatable with new treatments all the time. There have been several new ones since I was diagnosed. I am very optimistic about the future.
    Best wishes
    Take care



    Hi Suzie ,
    There is a lot to think about
    but the people who will be helping you are
    experts and there are new drugs and treatments all the time . Try and stay positive if you can .



    Suzie, I know what you are going through, my diagnosis was seven and a half years ago. I had VTD and no stem cell transplant, and now on daratumumab maintenance. Had one short radiotherapy treatment in my neck and a couple of fractures now healed. I go for a run every morning now. Its a long term chronic condition now with many very good treatments. Talk to your consultant and if you are diagnosed with myeloma, talk to your clinical nurse specialists – they can be angels. Sending you a hug… Sheila.



    I hope that you get good news after your bone marrow biopsy tomorrow.
    If not, do not despair.
    We all know the all pervading fear that diagnosis brings, but this state doesn’t last forever.
    Try not to Google, much of the information is totally out of date. It is much better to get accurate information from Myeloma UK, both the leaflets and telephone service are world class.
    Myeloma treatment is a fast moving, exciting world and there is realistic hope that many people being diagnosed now will live with myeloma as a chronic, treatable disease for many years. Already in USA, 14% of patients have lived with it for 20 years plus, and there are plenty of treatments in the pipeline.
    Fingers crossed for you, let us know how you get on tomorrow.

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