
This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tom 14 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi, im not a newbie as such. I was on the old site and spoke to a few of you about my mum. She has had myeloma for nearly 2 yrs now. She is 71 and has had some treatment. At the moment she is doing ok, she is on monitoring bloods. Her paraproteins are slowly rising and that does worry us. But on the positive side the consultant said because her other bloods are ok then she doesnt need treatment yet. She is happy as she doesnt go back till after christmas now, so she can relax and enjoy it.
    I hope everyone is doing ok.
    Take care
    Gina x



    Hi Gina

    My hubby is in a similar situation. disagosed 4 years ago. Protein goes up and down like a yoyo. Was at the consultant on Thursday and protein down to 26 (was 29 last time) but other bloods are stable so Frank is happy enough. We go back in February.

    Hope your mum goes from strength to strenth.

    Enjoy Christmas. Have a great time and a healthier new year to your mum.

    All the very best and enjoy

    Love Jean xx



    Thank you for your reply. Thats the good thing being able to have a worry free christmas, my mum is being very positive.
    I wish you and you family the best to.
    Have a lovely christmas
    Gina xx



    Hi Gina and of course Mum

    Am pleased your Mum is very positive:-D as am sure it helps in some small way I think you can think yourself better (ye i know am a nutter ha ha) but am sure it works for me positive thought for me is a great thing and i surround my self with positive people 😎

    All the best for your Mum 😀

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxx



    I totally agree Tom. Hope you had a lovely positive christmas. here is to many more to come
    Gina x



    Morning Gina and your Mum

    Yes thank you had a great Poitive Christmas this year as last one was a tad low key as i had just had my SCT start of December.

    And it worked so this year the Boat nay Boat's have been pushed out, av ate and drunk for England Lol,Lord knows what my Consultant will say when i get on the scales in Jan lol.

    Hope you all had a great Xmas and are (like me) waiting for the New Year 😀

    Love from One "Onwards and Upwards" Tom xxxx

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