Next Newbie!

This topic contains 19 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  MikeB 13 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #106857


    Hi Debs.
    Dont despair, it was explained to me that when you start on a drug and it works well its because the 'load' is greater for it to deal with. When the 'load' is smaller there is less of a need to Punch it so to speak, so the results slow down. If the result is little and often that is what matters. Think positive thoughts. The beast is listening in!
    Kind Regards



    Hi Deb
    First cycle went better than I had any hope that it would as far as side effects, and whilst the Consultant and team were pleased with the tesults, I didn't note them in my relief and must remember to pick them up at my next consultant 01/06/11, along with cycle 2 results.

    Just started second batch of Dex on cycle 2 so not sleeping and warding off hiccups with peppermints. Not bad as side effects go but I know that it will be the Dex that gets me through tomorrow like a duracell bunny! Still managing to work full time ish but only possible because my employer is being real supportive. To be honest the role of house husband seems harder work.

    Hope you do get on with the Velcade and it gets the results you're after. These drugs seems to have a very individual effect on us don't they. It's interesting to read Min refer to the Beast – not a term I have used so far but there have been time that it may have been appropriate.

    Right, time to try that sleep thing again.

    All the best to All.



    Hi Mike,
    Do you know what….it is probably quite good that you aren't caught up with figures….they're the bain of my life…lol!!! But that's great news that your team are all really pleased with the progress.

    I wish I got the dex effect sometimes…could do with the energy rush…but then again, I don't get the 'devil' dex effect either so perhaps I should think myself lucky!

    I know what you mean about house husband…..I found work ok with revlimid (although I have since stopped) but it is doing the stuff around the house that is harder….esp the kids!! Just try to keep listening to your body and when it says stop, leave that ironing alone!

    Hope you got to sleep in the end….I'm having a bed day today….first time but the velcade has got to my legs!!

    Take care
    Debs x



    Hi Debs

    trust the bed day was effective. The effects of velcade are not sounding so good. Had sciatica (hoewever you spell that one) as part of initial symptoms and being less mobile was not great at all.

    Sleep patterns are completely off the wall now with two hours tuesday night and a very welcome 7 last night. I am hopimg that the 4 hour drive home from work (weekly comute) will help to improve that further tonight.

    I am torm re the figures anmd take on board your comments. I have been careful to pretty much avoid stats on all the usual stuff as they seems scewed to the over 60 bulk of the Club. Might have to take some more notice though as I get sooo intrigued when reading other posts about these. Food for though t me thinks.

    Hope things improve with velcade.
    Be lucky



    Hi Mike,

    Welcome!!! Like you I have just been diagnosed ( June ) and I am 54. It's all a big shock and as you say the terminology alone is a whole new world. I have found the site really helpful, with lots of support from members who have been using the site long term, but the stories and comments are really up lifting and so good to read other people's experiences.

    I am just starting my 2nd batch of Chemo and go for bone strengthening next week. I am just going with the flow at the moment and I think as the acceptance sinks in the questions will start to arise.

    Any way good luck and enjoy the site. I am sure your wife will also.

    Gill C

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