Hi Deb
First cycle went better than I had any hope that it would as far as side effects, and whilst the Consultant and team were pleased with the tesults, I didn't note them in my relief and must remember to pick them up at my next consultant 01/06/11, along with cycle 2 results.
Just started second batch of Dex on cycle 2 so not sleeping and warding off hiccups with peppermints. Not bad as side effects go but I know that it will be the Dex that gets me through tomorrow like a duracell bunny! Still managing to work full time ish but only possible because my employer is being real supportive. To be honest the role of house husband seems harder work.
Hope you do get on with the Velcade and it gets the results you're after. These drugs seems to have a very individual effect on us don't they. It's interesting to read Min refer to the Beast – not a term I have used so far but there have been time that it may have been appropriate.
Right, time to try that sleep thing again.
All the best to All.