Nicole Sweet

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  eve 13 years, 1 month ago.

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    I am up early and went down stair in order not to wake the wife with my tossing and turning. On the TV was a Story about Nicole (I think that is right) Sweet.

    She died suddenly at the age of 22 years after many years of suffering with Cancer; she was diagnosed at the age of 11. It did not say what type of Cancer it was but it looked suspiciously like Myeloma. An incredible young lady that makes my suffering look like a walk in the park. She raised thousands of Pounds to fit out a children?s ward.

    It really does put things in perspective when you see such people.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte





    Hi David how right you are when you say it puts things in perspective people are just amazing in giving to others when no-one would blame them for concentrating on themselves. A huge loss not only to her family but to so many others love Bridget x



    Yes Elizellen that is the one.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi David

    Just watched the video,it does bring home about lack of wards for seriously ill teenagers,as you know,my grandson who has CP spends a lot of time in hospitals,last time because he is now 16,he was put on an adult ward,one side an old man coughing phlegm all night,and on the other side,a man making the most fowl smells,with my daughter in a chair doing 24 hr shifts,for 3 days,

    So yes what this young lady achieved in her short life,is her legacy,she left behind something to be proud of,but I bet no one thought of giving her MBE for all her work. Love Eve

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