This topic contains 20 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  brocho 13 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #91732


    Hi bridget

    Good to hear from you again even if things have been a bit rough. If I could knit I'd knit you a Blue Peter badge!

    10 out of ten for effort with the injections.

    Much love.




    Hi That Brave Bridget 😀

    First of all I thought I had replied to this thread a couple of days ago :-S Lord knows where its gone?? so if you find a strange reply from me on ANOTHER thread Just Tut he he 😀 .

    Bridget you are so Brave 😎 when i was having to have My GCSV inj I said I could not do it:-( so this big Hairy A S S Docker took himself up to Oncology/Hematology day unit for a Nurse to do it 😎

    Am sure I would be able to do it if I had to??? he he.

    And Helen I now know your secret :-0 But thats Ok as I will have forgot it by the time I post this ha ha.

    And Eve if Slim ever needs to have some belly for his needle am sure he could have some of mine its came back with a vengeance lol

    Love and Hugs to you all

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"
    ps hope this one lands in the correct place he he xx



    Well I think you are all brave,you all deserve blue peter badgers just for going through this treatment,It takes guts,and to remain so cheerful and make people laugh,if you could bottle it,it would be a sell out. Eve

    PS Tom;-) I am thinking he might like some of my fat



    Well done Bridget

    I know this is hard, Michael refused to give it himself and I watched but never did it cos he was in hospital all the time. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT GIRL I'LL GIVE YOU A BADGE FOR BEING BRAVE. In fact you all deserve a badge or medal for going through all these treatments.

    Well done one and all
    Love Roz xxx



    Hi Pincushion

    I am knitting for the grandchildren at the moment, i could try to knit a badge! I am not a good knitter but bless them they wear my offerings!!!

    with love sarah xx



    Hi Sarah that would be special Sarah You have given me an idea perhaps we should design a badge for members of this site The MM Club! I have no idea how to get badges made up but I will have a look on the net Watch this space! How are you Sarah ? I read about your lost ram that must be soul destroying to lose a valuable animal I was sitting here dozing till a few minutes ago the phone rang and my mums number came up My heart was in my mouth, I thought she had fallen or something Not that at all she rang up for a chat about nothing!! I am sure she didnt know what the time was , at least it wasnt 3 am which happened a few months ago Fingers crossed it was a one off or I will be a nervous wreck Still I did have a chuckle afterwards , she is totally oblivious to my hints about how late it is Mothers who would have em!But I wouldnt be without her Take care Sarah love Bridget x

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