Oh – Oh it's back

This topic contains 32 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  Mothas 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    Dear Carol.

    I hope you feel better today. I am taking a bit of a risk, but I thought I'd share a story about my Dad. He was an extreme practitioner of 'gallows humour" as you will see, but there is maybe a bit of inspiration in there as well.

    I sat with him in front of a grim-faced Consultant, a nurse and a McMillan nurse to receive the results of a biopsy he had had on his lungs. The Consultant said what we had expected – you have lung cancer – and he began to put a series of questions to my Dad. Part of the questioning went thus:

    Consultant- Do you smoke?
    Dad- Yes I do.
    Consultant- Have you smoked all your life?
    Dad- No, I didn't start until I was 12.




    John, I just curled up at that, my level of humour to a T. It has got me in so much trouble in the past as I expect it did your Dad.

    When I was being told I had Advanced Prostate Cancer I said to the Consultant, ?Can you keep me alive until Myeloma kills me?. He answered very seriously, ?Yes, I am sure we can?. It then dawned on him what I had actually said. We both had a good laugh.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Hi Carroll I'm sory sorry to hear of your relapse.
    I'm due to have two cycles of PAD in jan so any feedback on how that is going for you and any sides would be appreciated.

    Lots of love


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