Our Dai.

This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 11 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi all

    As you will all be aware today was Dai’s funeral. I receive this reply to a post I put on Facebook from Becky Crowther.

    Andrew Godfrey please let everyone know in the our Dai group on Myeloma site that my brother made a speech today and he read out some of the beautiful posts from there, you were all mentioned and very much thought of today…all our love to you all xxxxxxxx

    I hope everyone can spend a quiet minute thinking about Dai today and the tremendous help he gave to everyone, the eternal optimism, his battle against this awful and for being a wonderful wonderful friend to us all.

    Every day is a gift
    But a sadder gift today

    Best wishes everyone

    Andy xx

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  andyg.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by  pipmcfadden.


    Hi Andy,

    Today was a good day for me with having the Stemcell collection but Dai was always in the back of my mind. Unfortunately there is no end to those being affected by this dreadful illness but the likes of Dai have made it easier for many of us to come to terms with the illness and gave us hope about the outcome. He will forever be in my thoughts. And you to.




    Hi Andy and of course the family and extended family of Our Dai.

    Yes I spent a lot of Today thinking about Our Dai and the strength,wisdom and knowledge he passed onto to us all even when he wasn’t so well himself.

    That and all you others that helped and are still helping is a great strength to us going through our treatment.

    Our Dai will be up their watching over us all.

    RIP my friend. Xx



    Hi guys, As you are aware from my previous posts I am just hopeless in this sort of situation, just can’t get the words right on paper for some reason.

    Can I just second what you have said and just add that I held him in such high regard that I still find it hard to come to terms with the fact that he has gone.

    kindest Regards – vasbyte




    Oh no.
    That’s really sad, Dai was a gentleman and a real support for all of us.
    I’m sitting here with tears in my eyes.

    I’ve had trouble logging on to the site so haven’t visited for a few weeks. I had no idea that he’d been taken for the worse.

    Dai was so full of life, and I mean that in its fullest spiritual sense, that it seems incomprehensible that he’s gone.

    My thoughts are with his family and loved ones, he’s in a better place now away from this bloody disease.




    Thanks Andy for passing on the post. I too was emembering Dai yesterday and thinking Bout his family. He kept popping into my head the oddest of times. His sister Angie posted a link to song on Facebook that was composed by a friend of Dai. If you get a chance listen to,it it is beautiful. He will be sorely missed but his memory and spirit will live on this forum

    My best wishes to Janet and all his family
    Love Jean x



    HI Andy

    I was thinking of Dai too. It was a lovely day here and I like to think he is now signing with the angels.

    Think of him often and will miss his cheery character.




    Ohno dammit I can’t believe this! I’ve not been able to log on and have only just got the hang of this. Oh bugger, i feel really upset….what happened. Dai was an absolute inspiration, and poor Janet. I feel sad for Dai. He was a huge encourager. I am sorry sorry. A great guy, poetic and so descriptive. Who could forget the cdiff stories.

    I am so sad and gutted that I missed this.

    Vicki and Colin x

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