PAD doxorubicin liposomial or standard one help me please!

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    My mother is 70' years's old she went from mgus in the 2009 evolved
    first in smouldering myeloma then to symptomatic myeloma with anemia
    in the october 2012 she start teraphy with rev + dex a few moths ago undergo only three cycle after reaching remission with a 30% reduction of monoclonal component, we have reached a still point, with a slight increase of the monoclonal peak,then FISH showed chromosomal abnormalities 1q21 and t414 suddenly after this suffered an intestinal stroke, caused by occlusion, and underwent removal surgery.
    After this dismissed treatment with rev+dex
    the doctors propose 3 PAD cycle followed by double ASCT,
    but there is a problem that worries me:
    the Doxorubicin that is probably going to be used is the traditional one, not the liposomal one I don't want to run unnecessary risks,
    though I am aware that the Doxorubicin problem is given
    by the cumulative dose, and my mother should only undergo three cycles, but if we are unable to collect enough stem cells,
    the number of cycles would increase, and so would the
    heart complication possibilities.
    I also read that there are other side effects, such as Neutropenia,
    vomit, etc, in smaller percentages.
    Do you think it's important for her to receive the liposomal Doxorubicin?
    Do I need to consider taking my mother to another centre?
    We have a great relationship with this current structure, but after 20 days in the hospital for intestinal complications, I don't want any further problems for my mum if they are not strictly necessary, and I could avoid at least part of them
    My mother is not convincted at the idea of changing hospital but i'm very
    scared with the possible side effects

    What is the right choice leave her in the hospital were receive their care
    now and where she knew physician and nurse or go away and start from zero
    for the best treatment?
    Please help me i don't no what to do



    Sorry I can't help with your concerns over doxorubicin in your mothers PAD regime. I can't recall anyone posting a problem with it either. The difference between liposomial Dox and ordinary Dox is that in liposomial Dox it is wrapped in a fatty covering to allow it to stay in the bloodstream longer and hence have more exposure to the myeloma and is kinder to healthy cells.
    Now the velcade component is known for its side effects with PN being top of the list of complaints. It has now been licensed to be given sub-cut which is said to reduce the chances of PN. I only had two cycles of PAD unfortunately it didn't work for me.
    A second opinion may help set your mind at rest though may not alter the recommended treatment path. I know my consultant doesn't treat me in isolation and she regularly discusses my treatment options with others. Including Prof Jackson who is a big supporter of MyelomaUK.
    A phone call to Ellen at MyelomaUK will help and maybe set your mind at rest.

    Every day is a gift
    Andy x



    Hi AndyG and thank you for your time i know the difference between the liposomial Dox and ordinary Dox,
    fortunally velcade is somministered subcutaneous
    I talk with the physician who take care of my mother and tell
    me that is not important to receive the liposomial doxorubicin but admit
    that this one have a better tolerability profile
    who is ELLEN? how can i contact her?
    sorry for my english



    Hi, (name?)

    Ellen is the administrator and specialist nurse at Myeloma UK, the hosts of this forum… the contact number is in bold orange at the top of this page but here it is: [b]0800 980 3332[/b]

    The nurses at Myeloma UK will answer any query concerning Myeloma for you on the phone. 🙂





    name? is about my nickname?
    yesterday night when i'm post i'm really tired after reading a lot
    of study about PAD regimen
    (the major part of this included liposomal doxorubicin)
    and i write the first thing pass in my mind.
    Tomorrow ask to my friend who is for half english from his mother,
    to make a call for me,
    i'm barely able to write in english,i don't speak english
    thank you for the support

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