Pain after sct:

This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Min 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi! Everyone just wondering if anyone as experienced bone pain after having sct 6 weeks ago hubby had the usual side affects but this week started getting really bad pains in his thigh bone affecting his walking, bit worried having already cracked his ribs and breastbone at the beginning of diagnoses, or could it be just another side effect of sct: he wants to wait a couple of days before I contact the hospital so hoping it calms down if not told him no more stalling! I have scoured the myeloma site but not found anything so any suggestions please will help me decide next move.

    Love liz xx



    Hi Liz

    While I can see that everyone on this discussion forum is so very helpful and supportive, I would say to always contact the nurse/doctor at the hospital when you have concerns. They're there for you as well as the patient. I think in many ways it's harder being the carer.

    I have had a couple of uneasy moments when I've been able to call and get reassurance or an explanation for things that I've experienced, like the leg pain you mention. At the Nottingham hospital, they give out a phone number, bleep and pager so patients can contact someone at any time. I really think asking the medics is a better route than asking the patients. And knowing you can call at any time means you don't always feel you have to.

    As for broken bones and fractures, when I started on the Myeloma XI trial, they did a full skeletal survey, i.e. x-rays head to toe. From those they could determine my risk of further breakages. Even though I fell off my bike last week, I had been told that the risk of breaks/fractures was the same as a "normal" (non-myeloma) person. Knowing that, I didn't worry too much when I fell. It might be worth finding out what your husband's fracture risk is, if they know. That might help put one bit of worry to the side.

    I hope the pain goes soon and you get some useful answers.

    Good luck



    Hello jet

    Thankyou for your reply I hear what you are saying and will certainly ring the number we were given, I think the reason hubby was delaying it seems that's all we do and I know that's what they there for only last week I rang myeloma nurse because of his really bad rash every where which we were told a reaction to drugs and prescribed antihistamine so thats probably made us hold off calling. Thanks again jet will let you know the outcome.

    Love liz xx



    Hi Liz,
    I concur with Jet and the professionals are always the place to go for pain.
    As an afterthought. If hubby has had further injections of GCSF after his SCT.I know Peter had several to get some 'numbers' raised and had forgotten the pain that the injections bring about; could it be the same pain that he got when he had the GCSF for his harvest?



    Hi Liz

    I also say phone the Hospital and or the contact Number they gave you.

    None of us are the same so need different drugs/meds at different times.

    As for me I never hold back calling if need be, we all know our own bodies and what feels "Just not right" is when i call, pleased to say though Not had to call them for some time now 😀 and thats me about 17 months post SCT 😎

    Good Luck.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Liz

    I totally agree with all that has said before, our local hospital is always so godd and helpful.Min mentioned GCSF wich Gordon is still on following his SCT in november, it it still causing bone pain the thigh bones breast bone and ribs seem to be the worst affected, hope this helps.

    best wishes sarah xx



    Hello everyone, thank you all for your input, I did ring the hospital and you are all right in that I should not have worried about ringing them and also it does seem to be bone pain from the GCSF which he did have for a couple of weeks after sct
    Just up't his painkillers and it seems to be settling down.
    Again thank you all what a lovely bunch you are!

    Love liz xx



    Liz so glad to hear that it was sorted.

    Love Jean. xx



    Hi Liz

    Am pleased it all got sorted, as I said I never have to suffer pain at all (hope he is correct ha ha)

    Good Luck and hope the upt painkillers help 😀

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi Liz,
    Thats what we are here for and glad he is now comfortable and of course so are you now that your mind is at rest
    luv Min

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