Paraprotein- rates of increase

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  teds31 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    Just feeling curious about what a ‘normal’ rate of paraprotein increase is. I see my consultant every 4 months and each time the paraprotein level increases by one. In the last year, it has increased from 20 to 23. Just wondering, do other smoulderers have a similar rate of increase?



    I have been smouldering for about8 years and my PP goes up and down ,though only by 1 or 2 its now 10, but it has been 14 in the past.Ted



    Thanks Ted – I didn’t realise that it can actually go down too. Do you take any supplements or follow a special diet plan? Judging by my pp level, I seem to be further along the smouldering journey than you.



    I think this is a very personal journey and no two people are the same ,thats what makes the smouldering job so difficult.Not only does PP effect things but also your “Light Chain ” results. This topic I’m afraid is where I am out of my depth.I dont take any thing as regard to MM but I do have other health issues which require medication,as I am 83 you can imagine that health issues are common, I just try to keep going and hope for the best.Ted

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