Platelets will not rise

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years ago.

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    Had blood test today and Hb was at (9.4) Neuts (0.9) Plts (12).I've searched the net for reasons and remedies for this but the information is very patchy although it does say that you can feel very ill if the drop too far.I'm going in to have yet another Plt transfusion tomorrow along with Zometa. This has been another very hard week but I battle on. Yes Dai I can concur with you with regards to waiting around for a Nurse or Doctor.When I went in today there wasn't one to be seen.

    Take care everyone and good health.




    Hi Keith

    Just picked up on your posting,if it is any help I know the can get platelets which are more comparable with you,plus injections that help,but I do no know what they are!!!!

    You can always tell when the news is not good the nurses keep looking at there shoes just in case there not shiny enough,and doctors avoid the eye contact,been through it when Slim was in ITU.

    One thing about remission every one smiles at you,let's hope those platelets start sprouting wings and start Eve



    Hi Keith
    If one thing My Friend you are a fighter keep it going Keith and as for the Dr at your hospital not being contactable ?? well I must be very fortunate as I can get hold of my Dr at hospital and if he is busy he phoned me back.
    Stay strong Keith and hope you have a better time with it as I know you deserve it.

    Fingers crossed Tom Onwards and Upwards x



    Hi Keith,

    I hope the platelet transfusion today helped to kick start the platelet production, it must be so frustrating for you. After Phil's stem cell transplant his platelets took quite a while to recover and he needed quite a few transfusions, we do not know what his levels currently are as no one has got back to us with his most recent results, Phil went to the local hospital yesterday morning for his blood tests and no one seems to be contactable for us to find out the results, fingers crossed they are okay.

    We read that having iron rich food like broccoli can help with the production of platelets.

    I hope you get some good news soon, stay strong.




    Thank's Tom,Eve and Megan for your replies. I was at the hospital today for Platelet transfusion and Zometa.
    My Consultant popped in for a chat and to keep me up to date.I will be having a blood test Tuesday and then depending on the result will be having a BMB. He wants to know wether the problem lies with my own Marrow or the treatment I'm having that's suppressing the platelet production. I'm also having a retinal eye test and have to see the Diabetic nurse. I'm also seeing a dietician as I'm eating everything in sight and still losing weight.
    I'll keep you all informed when I know more. I only hope and pray that the PP's start Dropping which will give some support to the treatment I'm taking because there are not many more options left to me. I just have to go with the flow and hope that things work out.

    Good health to all.




    And good health to you my friend.

    I can feel your frustration Keith… at least your consultant is trying to trace the reason for your non-production of platelets, so let's hope that one of the avenues of exploration is fruitful.

    What are/were your PP's at the last reading? As you say, if you can see some evidence of reduction then you have the basis for continuing with treatment while they try and up your platelets with some sort of confidence.

    I am sure that the CDT, like my Bendamustine, suppresses your bloods readings but with transplants etc., you would hope to see some kind of improvement in your platelets count.

    I wish you all the best and hope that the current tests for diabetes/a.n.other doesn't produce anything new to the roster… unless of course the treatment helps boost your auto-immune system.





    Thank's everyone for your replies. Tom sorry but you misunderstand my Consultant is always available, he is very hands on and keeps me informed step by step. It was just that one day when all the nurses were away doing whatever at that time so if you wanted to speak to anybody there was nobody on hand.



    Hi Keith
    That I did (sorry consultant) yes i thought you were left and not getting the info. (am a silly billy) 😀

    Hope your PP's are soon sorted

    Tom Onwards and upwards x

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