Pneumonia – but better now!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Perkymite 11 years, 2 months ago.

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    Just before Xmas I had tickly cough. Thought no more about it and carried on as normal. Then the day after Boxing Day, I went upstairs and was so out of breath that I had to lie on the bed till I got my breath back.
    So the next morning I went to see my doctor. He listened to my chest and back. Then gave me a note to
    take to A&E straight away!!!After having a chest Xray and a CT scan
    I was admitted to a single room and put on an IV drip of antibiotics. 4 times a day for 4 days.
    When the ward doctor came round,I asked him what was wrong. He said you have pneumonia.
    I was a bit scared at that diagnosis, but it turned out ok in the end, and I was discharged on New Years Day!
    What a Christmas!!
    Hope everyone else had a good time.
    Tina P



    Hi Tina

    Sorry to hear that you had such a rough time especially over Christmas and hope that 2014 is a good year for you.
    Take care
    Love Jean x



    Hi Tina,

    Sorry to hear you were unwell especially over Xmas, kev seemed to get pnueamonia quite a lot last year, they’ve now put him on regular antibiotics which seems to have done the trick!
    Glad they got on top of yours quickly and you continue to keep well!

    A happy & continued good health for 2014.

    Love liz x



    Hi Tina

    Glad you have recovered and wish you well for 2014

    Maureen x



    Hi Tina
    Sorry read you were unwell over the holiday period. Good to know it was only a short stay in hospital.
    I hope you have a good 2014

    Every day is a gift
    Live it to the full

    Andy xx



    Hi Tina

    Also so sorry you have been in hospital. I’ve had a bad cough, but fortunately although I still haven’t got rid of the cough I have been OK apart from that.

    Do hope that this apart life is going well for you.


    Mavis x



    Coughs seem to be the in thing at the moment!

    I have the tickle cough as well but it is unusual in that I can go all day without a problem only to start coughing as soon as I go to bed. I have just woken up, dex affect, at 3:30 am and I immediately started coughing. I have now been on my computer, which is now alive and well, and the cough is receding.

    Glad they caught your pneumonia early, well done Doc.

    kindest regards – vasbyt


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