Positive: Update on my father’s condition

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mulberry 4 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi all,

    Happy New Year,

    My father who is 62 y/old was diagnosed 7 months ago with stage 3 Multiple Myeloma, acute kidney injury & Anaemia. I wanted to update you all and let you all know that after he completed 6 cycles of chemotherapy, he recently just had a high dose of chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. He is not on dialysis as the oral chemotherapy helped his kidney functions.

    Whilst he was in hospital he suffered with side effects from the chemotherapy. The first three weeks he had mucositis, nausea, complete loss of appetite & vomiting. He had multiple blood transfusions, along with several platelets and albumin transfusions. It was hard for us as a family as due to Covid no visitors were allowed. He stayed in hospital just under a month and came home today. The doctors were extremely happy with the progress he has made.

    He is very tired and is slowly starting to have meals regularly as he suffered with a loss of appetite. He is still in the recovery stages of his stem cell transplant.

    Before having his stem cell transplant he did have a bone marrow biopsy which determined that he is in remission. We really hope that he can keep this maintained.

    I have read almost every single post on this forum and thank you & I commend you all for sharing your braveries.

    It has really helped us mentally. I have shared most of your stories with my father. I think this really helped him to remain positive.





    Thank you for posting Rose, I hope your father is recovering well. It takes some time, but oh so worth it for most of us!

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