possible myaloma

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    Iv was told yesterday and have put my blood test and urine sample in just waiting for the results now I am so scard



    Hi Darren, saw your reply in newcomers, thing is, we were all in the same boat, stress levels go up, anxiety hits new levels. It's all fear of the unknown. Everyone on this site with MM has been there, unfortunately we can't turn the clock back or change direction, we have no choice but to live with it – and you will.

    They keep telling me that I am young and able to handle the Chemo and stemcell, that because of my age chances of having a long remission are good. I'm 50 so you being younger should give you theoretically as good a chance if not better a chance than me. It is your wife that you will need to support as well. I am sure she will support you but the carers need help as well because they fear the future as much as the sufferer.

    So, scary it is but you are still here, the fear will be controlled once you know more about your situation and the likely treatment. There are plenty here who have gone through it all and have a good remission, there is no reason why you can't join them.

    All the best and start thinking of what you want your consultant to tell you, have a list of questions ready and don't be fobbed off. There is a lot of help out there so use it.



    Thank you for your reply I fell im lucky I have no children that must be tuf plus things might come back clear but saying that I've took on board what you have said and if things go the wrong way next Thursday I will not give up I will fight for ever day week year and make sure that my wife is ok. Keep well rich god bless



    Hello Darren

    My partner was diagnosed just three months ago, and the build up to that diagnosis was not good, the fear, sleepless nights, mood changes, uncertainty of it all, and that was just me! I only have a snap shot of what went through my other half's mind.

    Let me reassure you however, if your test results are not good, the back up is there for you. Our local hospital has been fantastic, they are there to answer any questions you may have no matter what time of day they may be, we drop the myeloma nurse a email and she answers openly and in words we understand. even the silly questions. And from what I read on this site, other hospitals are all equally as good

    I know this isn't a good time for you, and desperately hope your tests are all clear, and you don't have to climb onto this horrible roller coaster, but keep in mind there is always someone for you to turn to.

    This website has been my mine of information and it will be for you.
    All the best to you
    Sally W



    Good luck Darren

    As the others have said, at the beginning it is such a shock but in time you really do learn to work with myeloma in your life.

    The people on this site are absolutely amazing. I don't come on so much these days as I am nearly 2.5 years in remission and find myself chocca with working 4 days a week, looking after my two kids and doing various other bits. I only say all of that to show you that life goes on no matter what, and you can go back to having a near normal life even if you do get a diagnosis of myeloma.

    Good luck and I hope that all goes well for you.

    Deb x




    Good luck mate.

    I know its tough and it hit me hard at first although as others have said once you know of your situation then you should be able to come to terms with it.

    There are lots of positive stories to take inspiration from such as Debs above and life does go on.

    Try and stay away from the general info on the internet about Myeloma because there is a lot of old, misinformation and you will scare yourself as I did at first. Use a site like this for the info you need and take it one step at a time.

    All the best.


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