Hello Darren
My partner was diagnosed just three months ago, and the build up to that diagnosis was not good, the fear, sleepless nights, mood changes, uncertainty of it all, and that was just me! I only have a snap shot of what went through my other half's mind.
Let me reassure you however, if your test results are not good, the back up is there for you. Our local hospital has been fantastic, they are there to answer any questions you may have no matter what time of day they may be, we drop the myeloma nurse a email and she answers openly and in words we understand. even the silly questions. And from what I read on this site, other hospitals are all equally as good
I know this isn't a good time for you, and desperately hope your tests are all clear, and you don't have to climb onto this horrible roller coaster, but keep in mind there is always someone for you to turn to.
This website has been my mine of information and it will be for you.
All the best to you
Sally W