Post SCT

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mulberry 4 years, 1 month ago.

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    My relative is now 3 months post stem cell transplant as after two infections and additional stays in hospital was needing little additional help I.e. blood transfusions. However the last two weeks has needed three blood transfusions and some playlets. She did have a stint of needing nothing for about four weeks so just wondering after experiences of this. If they still needed help picking up after this time. Thanks I’m advance



    There is such a broad spectrum of ‘normal’ responses to SCT it is difficult to say. However some patients have been exceedingly unwell after SCT (the family of one of my friends was called in to say goodbye) 7 years later she is still here, but wouldn’t have another SCT! I think it can take some months to recover, so don’t loose hope. It is possible to go through SCT with no side effects as someone in our local support group demonstrated earlier this year, personally I had minimal side effects, yet other people can take many months to recover.

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