Post stem cell collection high ?

This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Perkymite 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    Now this feels weird. On my way to Royal Marsden for my collection yesterday I felt dreadful, in fact probably the worse I’ve felt during my entire treatment during which, I have felt generally poorly all the time.

    I had planned a quiet day today as I had expected to feel a bit grim after a day of blood extraction and filtering. However, I woke this morning feeling better/brighter/livelier than I have for months. Very strange or has anyone else experienced this? I even ate a full meal at lunch today which I also haven’t done for ages.

    I wonder if this will continue until my transplant?




    Hi Keith,

    Glad you are feeling so well, must say I felt great after stem cell collection almost immediately but I think it was like a “burden” had been taken away – what with the primer chemo then the bone pain following the jabs – never experienced anything like that pain not even labour pains, really drags you down, so once the collection was over felt really good – think its also quite a relief, mentally, knowing you’re one step closer.



    Hi Keith
    I too felt quite OK after the collection, even returning to work for a couple of weeks while waiting for the transplant. Enjoy it while you can cos it takes quie a while to feel OK after transplant.




    How many pesky little blighters did you get?

    Kind regards – vasbyte



    Hi Rebecca,

    I think you are absolutely right on all counts, the realisation that you’re over that stage (and all its side effects) and now so close to the final stretch must have a positive effect.

    I know the transplant is going to be a big climb but I’m mentally prepared to take it on and get this rubbish cancer dealt with as best I can so I can get on with my life. I look upon this whole thing as a minor hiccup in my life which I just have to get through; just because it’s called “cancer” doesn’t matter a jot. I have far too many things yet to enjoy to let this get in the way.



    Actually I don’t know although I have sent an email asking as I’m fascinated to know.

    I must admit I’m surprised by the amount of detail on this forum that people have about their treatment. They talk about light chains and all sorts of things I’ve never been connected to. I don’t know if that’s because they’re at different stages to me but all I’ve ever been told about are my paraprotein levels.

    If I find out the blighter-count I’ll let you know.



    Hi Keith,

    You are right that we are all at different levels and so the Knowledge is spread over the whole decease. You pick up the detail as you go on. The normal measurement is Paraprotiens unless you have one of the more specialised bone/ blood cancers when they talk about Bence Jones and Light Chains etc.. Personally I would not worry about it all if PPs are your measurement then that is all you really need to know for now.

    I have moved from PP, because they are so low they cannot be measured at present, to light chains. My light chain measurement was 1.96, it will not mean a thing to you, it is in the normal range for the average person, not with Myeloma

    Kindest regards – vasbtye


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by  Perkymite.


    Hi David,

    I found out today that they collected 10.2 million stem cells during my collection day last week. The nurse said this was very good but I have nothing to compare that with.





    Hi Keith

    Be very proud. They only need 2 million/kg for a transplant, so I reckon you have far more than you need. This is an excellent result. I still have to claim the record though, as I produced 15 million per kg, enough for 7 transplants! For my first transplant 2 months ago they returned 5 million cells/ kg and as I weigh 90kg that’s a helluva lot of cells! I had an easy time of the transplant and recovery, from what I have read about others’ experiences, so maybe it is better to have plenty of cells returned. I did ask this question of the consultant but don’t remember getting an answer in the affirmative. Nevertheless I am at zero paraprotein and normal light chain ratio after the transplant, so something worked in my favour. Fingers crossed I maintain these numbers.




    Hi Carol,

    Wow, you did exceedingly well then at 15m cells. I’m about to post my stem cell transplant journey under a new thread so will add some more details there.

    Kind regards




    Great results from the pair of you. I managed 1.8 on me first session and I had to have a second harvest to got the extra 200 needed for a SCT. To say I was relieved would be an understatement although SCT is not the be all and end all of treatment. Many people go on to enjoy a long and happy life without one – their are several on this site.

    Best of luck to you with your SCT – it can be tough at times but just keep the end result in mind at all the times – it is worth it and “VASBTYE”

    I am off Chemo at the moment having has a very bad chesty cough for the last three weeks. I see the consultant on Friday and I think he will delay re-starting treatment again my chest is not good and I still have the cough!

    kindest regards – vasbtye


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