Preparing myself for my stem cell transplant

This topic contains 16 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Willisboy 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    How time goes by so quickly! I saw my Doctor at the Queen Elizabeth in Birmingham last Monday.
    I shall have a picc line fitted on 6th November and I will be admitted to the QE Hospital that day or maybe a few days later, when a bed becomes available.

    I have had the pre-transplant tests on lung, kidneys and heart and shall have another heart test on 5th November plus an appointment with my Doctor in the Stafford Hospital (my home town)on the same day.

    I am getting nervous now although I know all will be well.

    Will keep you updated as things happen.

    God bless you




    Good luck Graham , I had mine on 12th June 2013 , back to work full time 4th Sept ,
    Take it easy



    Afternoon Graham
    You and me both, I am going into Taunton Hospital on the 4th Nov to have my SCT.
    The past month it has not worried me one bit, but as the date gets closer I am starting getting nervous, I know this because I am getting a bit snappy with people. Also I am trying to gets things sorted at home, before I go in,which is stressing me out a bit.
    But….I know it is for the best as I am trying to keep positive and try and think that it will be over and done with very soon.
    Good luck Graham, I shall be watching you posts with interest.



    Good luck to you both, keep posting and let us know how it goes. Ted



    Hi you all

    Good Luck to you both for your SCT I had mine December 2009, sat here drug free and doing great so its worth it 😀

    Tom Onwards and Upwards x



    Good luck Graham and to you Ann too. My husband has just finished CDT (not as bad as we thought and a very good response) and is now looking at treatment options including a stem cell transplant – does anyone out there have any tips on SCT – what to expect, how to cope in hospital and when he comes home? It seems a daunting time from what we've heard, so any advice from any of you would be great.





    I was admitted to the QE Birmingham on the evening 11th November, had the picc line fitted the next day.
    Then the chemo before the stem cell transplant.

    I was discharged on 26th November. The Doctors tell me that everything is going really well. My blood counts are picking up.

    I suffered sickness, fatigue etc and now my hair is falling out but today (28th Nov) I have felt better.

    So, so far so good and hopefully it will continue that way.
    It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

    SAB, when your husband comes to have his sct, your hospital will give you a booklet which will give you the advice you seek, about his hospital stay and what to do once he comes home.
    You can always ask your hospital for information.
    All the best!

    God bless you





    I am glad to read your SCT went well and that you are now home. Remember to take it easy and not try to do too much too quickly, listen to your body and rest when you need to. My husband Phil found that he still got very tired for the first few months after his SCT in December 2012 and even now if he does too much but you will find day by day you get stronger and start to feel better.




    Tom you are in inspiration – listen to him guys …particularly Graham and Angela x



    Hi Jo
    I’m listening – Tom is an inspiration! Graham you are doing brilliantly and I hope my husband Graham goes through this like you have. Unfortunately he still does not want to listen to anything on this forum even if it’s really positive as he says everyone is different. Graham having injections this week and stem cells removed hopefully next Tuesday. After STC I hope he will be in remission for a very long time like Tom.



    Wish you both well Graham and Ann. Keep strong.x



    Hi Angela
    Well you ought to tell my young bride to listen to cos she dunt ha ha.
    Well am sure you have seen my post telling you I am going back on treatment, but I have had a great four years and am well rested for the next road to remission am just taking a bit of a detour



    Hey graham,

    Good luck with your treatment. It has taken me a long time to get the hang of the new forum and even longer to work out how to login! Wishing you all the best

    Vicki and Colin x



    Thank you everyone!

    I am progressing okay. I still get little infections, I have had one for the last four days but am better today.

    I stopped taking the Morphine Sulphate tablets (pain killers) but my back is starting to ache again so I may have to go back on those.

    I next see my Doctor at the hospital on 7th January 2014.

    Hope you are all doing well.

    Have a very Happy New year!

    God bless you




    Hi graham.

    I hope you’re doing well. Do you mind me asking if it was an autograph or a Allogenic Transplant?

    The reason I ask is that I’ve been offered an Allogenic transplant after my autograph which should be April time. It’s a massive decision with lots of  scary statistics to take into account. I’m in the process of trying to gather as much information as possible on which to base my decision. Talking to people who have already had the procedure is one of the reasons for me joining groups like this. Hence my question to you!


    Thank you!


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